Chapter 21

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Back on Monday I waited for Alex to walk to school. Once he came out and we started to walking I started the conversation.

"Did you really have to be that frank with Iris?" I asked.

He gave me a soft look before responding. "I don't see her that way, she shouldn't continue to be like that"

"So she really has no chance?" I question.

"Why are you so concerned with it?" He asked.

"Well I can kind of relate." I explain. " Liking someone so much is painful and when being turned down like that, I'd never want confess my feelings again" Our eyes met for a while. "I'm just saying you could've done it a bit nicer, but I do understand it a bit."

"You do?" He said.

"I know I'm naive and kind of a hopeless romantic, but if I had realized that Simon could never like me sooner I wouldn't have wasted so much energy." I said.

Alex put his hands in his hoodie pocket, he stopped walking. " I know you've had a hard time with that and it's a terrible feeling. But I would be lying to Iris by making her believe that we could be something more"

"You're right. Sorry for getting mad at you"

"You're a bit of a hothead"

I scoff and make my way past him.

"Hey wait"


For the rest of the month and the next and then going into April, all I was focused on was my schoolwork. I had my test score go down and I was determined to make it up and receive a good grade.

I studied at home, in the library, and occasionally in the diner, although I hadn't seen much of Iris. Whenever I had homework assigned I always made sure that was the first thing I completed. Every fail I got only gave me more fuel. Alex tutored me throughout the week in school and every now and then in my garage. With lacrosse season continuing on, all the players had more practice and I had more work to do.

I frequented in Coach Yang's office when the team had practiced. I had gotten to know all of the players pretty well. Seeing Simon also became a more natural interaction. Without having feelings for him, it felt easier to start a conversation with him. During those times seemed most easiest.

Time was flying by and spring break had come and gone. The week after spring break was a big one, a big math test came up and so far my previous scores had gone up to 80%. With Alex's help the math test came somewhat easy. I had all of Alex's words in my head, guiding me.

I would have to wait until Friday to hear my test scores and by Thursday it all I had consuming my thoughts.

Finally Friday came and in math class once Ms. Taylor gave us back out tests it took me a minute to look at my test score.

Then I saw and pure shock rose upon my face.


"Ahhh" I yelled.

The class looked at me, concerned. I looked up at Ms. Taylor waving my test paper. She gave me a big smile and said, "Good job Flora"

As soon has the bell rang and we had our fifteen minute break, I ran out of the classroom in search for Alex. I spotted him with his friends.

"Alex you won't believe it" I exclaimed running over.

I was too excited and hugged him once I met him. "Thank you thank you thank you"

I faced him, showing my perfect grade. A perfect A.

His smiled big. And my hands hadn't left his shoulders.

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