Chapter 25

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He kept staring at me blankly as if what I just said was something horrifying. 

"You-" He started to say until we both heard the bus. 

I laugh awkwardly and quickly head onto the bus. The bus ride home felt like it lasted an eternity. Alex and I sat next to each other as the only seats available were ones next to each other. 

After the ride we continued walking and I started up the conversation. 

"Alex, I was just joking about what I said before, I mean I do kinda want to get it over with and I guess I wanted to see your reaction. But now I realized I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry. Um I'll head home first, my mom must be waiting." I started walking ahead. 

"Flora" He called. I turned my head. He walked up closer. "I would like to kiss you but I can't do that to you, I know you don't like me like that" 

"Well" I spoke. "I'm not sure of my feelings, but I would like to see you more" 

A smile appears on his face then mine. 

Back on Monday, everything was to its normal cycle. Or at least it was for the first couple of hours. During lunch I was headed to the library for my tutoring session. On my way there I bumped into Simon who seemed in a much better mood. 

"Thank you Flora, for the other day. I appreciated it. Here" He held out my umbrella. 

I smiled and thanked him for returning my umbrella. 

I thought that was where the conversation would end but he asked me where I was headed. 

"Oh that's right, how is tutoring with Alex these days?" 

"Fun actually, he's been helping me a lot" 

"That's sounds good, I'm actually headed over to the library too" He mentioned. 

We walked all the way to the library where I went with Alex and he went his way. 

The tutoring went by a lot quicker than usual. Alex mentioned how I am able to understand the material a lot faster. He says I'm asking the right questions and using the right formulas and properties. 

My confidence goes up every time I'm able to solve an answer by myself. We finished with ten minutes left to spare and I guess Simon took notice and came up to us. 

"Hey Alex, I wanted to ask a question about the robotics comp" 

"You guys have a competition for that?" I asked excitedly. 

Simon nodded and explained the upcoming competition saying how it was in two weeks and how they have to work during lunch starting tomorrow to prepare. 

It took me a moment but then I asked, "Wait everyday for lunch for two weeks?" I turn to Alex. "What about our tutoring?" 

"I'm sorry Flora I was going to mention it to you later." He explained. "I don't think we can have our tutoring sessions then and I work after school at the diner now" 

He noticed my face start to worry. "Flora, you're doing fine with the lessons, if you have any questions you can text them to me. You're understanding everything now" 

"I guess" I pout. "Well I hope you guys win" 

"Thanks" Simon says. "The only thing we really don't know is our banner design."

My ears perked up, "Banner design?" 

"Each team has a large banner displayed at their table. You can design it any way as long as it has the school name and team name, there's even a winner for best designed." Simon explains. "Only problem is none of us on the team know how to draw, you know me, I like stick figures" 

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