Chapter 20

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Back on Monday was the usual antics of life. Walking to school with Alex was a trip as rain starting pouring. We've few days of continuous rain but it's most often at the start of a year and the end of one.

Thankfully we both had umbrellas and the rain let out during the middle of the school day. Finally arriving at school we made it quickly into our homerooms. And in my math class the rain hit the window making a thousands noises.

The school day felt much quicker than usual and by end the sun let out a bright shine and the air felt much cooler and more refreshing.

I headed to the field but there wasn't much for me to do. The team had an away game coming up and I wasn't allowed to join. Having a single girl with the team wouldn't be appropriate, at least that's what Coach Yang told me.

I made sure all the uniforms and equipment were all in good condition to be used. I made a checklist for everyone on what to pack and informing all the teacher for the players that they would be missing the last class of the day. The game is on Thursday so all throughout the week, practice was held and extended to another time. Coach Yang wasn't as confident in the skills of some players.

Because all there was left to do was practice I decided to dedicate myself in making personal banners for each of the players. On Tuesday I gathered the materials and stayed at the bleachers starting the banners. Personalizing each one as I've gotten to know many of the players.

On Wednesday I committed myself to finishing the banners on time and had to quickly clean up and show the team before they were let go. Once the final practice was over I waited outside the locker room with the banners in hand.

Once they starting coming out I stopped them and surprised each of them with one.

I received many thanks and amazement at the details in the banners. Many asked questions of how I was able to accomplish this in a short amount of time. I was happy to see the reactions and compliments from them, I didn't realize how nice it could be to receive such compliments for something I did. I liked it.

I spotted Timothy coming out and rushed to his way.

"Ta-Da" I gleamed.

"Wow, did you do this?" He asked receiving the banner.

" I did, since I wasn't able to go to the away game I still wanted my support to reach everyone"

"That's so nice, thank you and you even made the banner in green, my favorite color" He commented.

"You use a lot of green in your artwork so I just assumed" I smiled.

I then spot Alex and Simon and was about to embark to their direction when Timothy spoke.

"If only I had your artistic eye, this is a nice gesture, I can't wait for art club this Friday." He said. "There's this style I've been wanting to try but I was really keen on using the Opuni Acrylic Set since it's vibrancy is phenomenal"

"You can still achieve great results with similar product, but either way I can't wait to see what you come up with"

We both smile and Alex calls my attention. I quickly say goodbye to Timothy and head over to give out the last two banners.

"You finished these in three days? All of them?" Simon asked curiously.

"Yup" I answered.

"There's so much detail" Simon adjusted his height to match mine and looking into my eyes said, "I hope I didn't get any special treatment with mine since we've known each other long"

I took a second too long to answer but when I did I said, "No, I took time on each of them"

Simon reverted back to normal and I handed Alex's his.

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