Chapter 26

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"Hey Alex" Simon waved over. 

I don't know why but I suddenly felt nervous having Alex walk over. 

He saw the banner and looked back at me. "It's really good" 

"Thank you" I say. 

It's a bit too quiet for my liking now. 

On Monday was the competition where the banner and robot would reveal themselves to everyone. The competition was at a different high school but I was invited to join since I did the banner. So during the last period the others and I were called out to head to a bus going to the school. I sat Rose on the way there. We talked the whole way there. 

When we go inside the school we made our way into the auditorium where everyone was. There was eight other school joining. And I was eyeing the rest of the banner designs displayed. Nothing too fancy, nothing like mine. 

Everyone was setting up and Timothy helped me put up the banner behind. Once the whole banner was rolled out the wandering eyes all set upon the banner. An eccentric city where everything is run by robot and in bold letters 'Titanium Pieces'. 

I was quite proud of myself. 

Finally when the actual competition started I sat directly behind the team. I forgot what it was like to sit through one of these as I did before when Simon was competing at our school. This time I actually got into it and cheered my friends on. 

It became really intense at times and we were so close to winning. However Clove High School ended up winning and placing us second. I could tell everyone was disappointed and I though that was the end of the competition until the announced third and second place for banner design. 

Then announced our school as first for best banner design. Me in complete shock at first couldn't hear the excitement and joy from everyone as they screamed and Rose came up to hug me. I received a ribbon, a first place blue ribbon. 

Back on the bus Rose sat by herself so she could nap and I ended sitting next to Alex explaining my happiness. 

"I never thought I could win anything" I shared. 

"How could you not, that banner looked so cool" Alex complimented. 

"I never knew this feeling. The feeling at being a winner and good at something." 

"With your determination, you could win anything and this is the first year the banner design became part of the competition too" He smiled at me with the prettiest eyes. 

I unfortunately couldn't contain my sleeping and yawned. "Sorry" I apologized, " I stayed a bit late last night to study for my math test. I swear I slept a good amount but I wanted to make sure I understand a lesson" 

"You're fine. So how do you think did?" He asked. 

"Pretty good I would say" I kept gazing into his eyes and admiring every detail. The way his hair looked soft and how he smiled with his dimple showing. I hadn't noticed we were both admiring each other. 

I stopped myself in order to stop this nervous feeling. And Alex started up the conversation again. Although I dozed off because   I heard Alex softly say my name and opened my eyes and my head was resting somewhere warm. 

I shot straight up when I realized I had slept on Alex's shoulder. 

"You fell asleep" Alex informed. 

I tried to conceal my nervous expression. "Ready to go home?" I say quickly and I headed out the bus. That didn't just happen did it? 

The week passes and since the competition was over Alex and I continued with tutoring. Each and every lesson I was getting better. Understanding how to use what I learned and actually applied it. It was Friday and today I got my test results back. 

Seeing the score was unbelievable. I scored a 89%. I had no tutoring with Alex and all and studied by myself and I managed to get B, almost an A. I was so excited and after the bell rang I sprung over to tell Ms. Taylor all about it. 

She was very happy for me, although at the end she asked if she could see Alex and I after the school day ended. After I left her classroom I couldn't help but wonder why she wanted to see us. Does she think I cheated? No. Let's not think like that. But then what could be the reason? 

Anyway I did notify Alex of what Ms. Taylor said and we made our way to my math class. 

I knocked on the door and Ms. Taylor let us in. She asked us to sit by her desk and started explaining why we were there. 

"I saw that Flora had scored a 89% on her last test." Ms. Taylor began. "And this was without any tutoring pior to the test correct?" 

"Yes, I wasn't able to because of the robotics competition" Alex explained. "But I let Flora know that of she needed help she could tell me" 

"And did you Flora?" 

"I did a few times, but I studied by myself" I clarified. 

Ms. Taylor thought to herself. " Then if Flora was able to score high without the additional tutoring, I believe it is time to discontinue your tutoring sessions" 

"What" I didn't realize I had said aloud. 

"Flora, you've developed good study habits and you're focusing well in class. You're asking questions and if you need any other questions ask you can ask me after class. Alex has been a great help and I am grateful he has taught you to your specific needs. But it seems as though you can do this on your own" 

"I guess you're right" I turned to Alex who was already spreading a soft smile across his face. I didn't want to stop seeing him during those sessions. It's how I met him and I was afraid that if I wouldn't be able to see him anymore then he would forget me. 

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