Chapter 28

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I couldn't sleep at last night. My mind kept replaying that moment. 

After Alex had looked at me after mostly likely hearing what I had said, my body reacted quickly and I sprinted back inside the house.

I stayed up tossing and turning trying to think if he really did hear what I said. And if he did what would be the next step. What if he asks about it, I can't deny it but I how could I just confess my feelings like that so suddenly. 

Oh well I know I can't avoid it forever, though I can avoid it this morning as my mom offered to drive me to school since it was on her way to work today. 

I texted Alex letting him know and his response only led me to overthink. It was a simple 'alright'.

I desperately needed to know what he was thinking. I have to. 

The whole car ride I thought about all possible outcomes and if this could really affect our friendship. I like being around Alex so what could happen if things don't work out. 

I was thinking so much about this that I hadn't noticed I was already at the school and my mom was grabbing my attention. I quickly got out so she wouldn't ask if anything was wrong. 

Once inside I headed towards the lockers to find Ivy, only on my way to be met with Simon who called out to me. 

I backed up to meet him. 

"Are you in a rush somewhere?" He asked smiling. 

I pause to compose myself. "Not particularly" 

"Oh well I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind" 

I was curious so I said, "I don't, go ahead"

"Well" He started, licking his lips and playing with his hands. "A bunch of us are going to the fair this weekend, mostly from robotics and since you were apart of the team, I thought you should come too." He looks at me. "With me" 

I laugh awkwardly. "Thanks for the invitation, I-I" I stammer trying to not misunderstand the situation. "I'll get back to you on that, I can't remember if I have something to do this weekend. But a lot of people are going right, as a group?" 

"Yeah, we could over there together if you'd like" He says.

Is he saying we go together as in together together? My brain has truly been working overload. I didn't want there to be any misunderstanding so I decide to ask. 

"You want to go together like as in..." I question. 

His eyes shifts and focuses on me. "Yeah I want to be with you, not as friends" 

My whole world has turned upside down. 

"I-" Before I could even finish a thought the sound of someone else caught my attention. The sound of someone calling out someone else's name. 

"Alex" Someone said. 

I turn to look and there he was. He wasn't paying attention to the person who called out his name but to me. His eyes were filled with mine and his expression reminded me of when I first met up. Off-putting. 

He had heard this conversation too. 

After processing what just happened the world moved once again and Alex walked on by and for some reason my voice didn't shout his name and my legs didn't go after him. 

I was in despair. But I couldn't stay stuck in this moment forever. The bell rang and I had to get to homeroom. 

"Let me know Flora" Simon said before he went on. 

Throughout the day I kept processing what had just happened. Simon, the boy I had liked for so long was looking at me in the way I wanted him to for years. And Alex the boy I had recently told myself I had feelings for had heard everything. 

Was this a dream? I felt so sleepy. Colors were fading. 

"Flora" The sound had awoken me. 

I jumped up. And saw Ivy starting. 

"Don't fall asleep on me, young lady" Ivy demanded. 

"Hey go easy on her, she derived of sleep" Ben went. 

"No way, she just told us the biggest news of her life and she's sleeping" Ivy eyed me. "So then what, are you going to tell Simon no?"

"I don't know how can I, I've wanted Simon to like for so long and for him to confess meant the world to me. But I can't deny that I like Alex. I don't want him thinking otherwise" 

"Don't go to the fair then" Ivy suggested. "Hey you that weekend trip our school is having for the seniors? Use that opportunity to let Alex know you like him and prove it to him." 

"Prove to him?" I ask. 

Ivy smiles, "You know. Kiss him" 

"What" I shout. "I can't just do that" 

"Why not, it'll get your point across" 

She was right in a way. But I don't have to guts to kiss him just out of nowhere. 

"Flora, you both like each other, he confessed to you. You both know you have something. Alex right now probably feels like you could go back to liking Simon." Ben adds. "I know a guy's feelings. Just talk to him, sincerely and if you want to wait until our trip that's fine but don't do anything with Simon" 

"You're right Ben. I'll tell Simon that I won't be going to the fair. As for Alex, I'll tell him my feelings on our trip, it's next weekend anyway. I just want to do this right and with sincerity" 

"Good" Ben praised. 

After school, I went with Ben and Ivy to the ice cream shop. I had been planning in my head what I would say on our trip and how I would try to make preparations. Our trip is a weekend trip that our school organizes for the seniors. We go to camping and stay for two nights. The forest has beautiful scenery. I could use it to my advantage and come up with something for Alex. 

I kept smiling thinking about it. 

Before I forgot I sent out a text to Simon saying that I wouldn't be able to make it to the fair. He responded with a ' it's okay' and a 'see you at school'.

I thought it would be that simple, and I wouldn't have to expose my raw feelings. But of course it wasn't. But I didn't know that then. 

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