Under My Care

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Male Reader POV - It was getting late out groaning

Male Reader - *Groans* Who knew finding a place would be so hard!

Aether - I was looking forward to sleeping in a bed to

Paimon - Maybe we should have gone with Mr. Zhongli?

Male Reader - *Shakes head* No it wouldn't be right to intrude like that

Aether - (Y/N) right it would be rude

Male Reader POV - I began to shiver as we kept walking looking over seeing that Aether and Paimon weren't affected by the cold.

Male Reader - H-how come you guys aren't freezing? *shivers*

Aether - We've had adventures before you came along places like Dragonspine it's just something we've got used to.

Male Reader - *Shivers*....

Aether - We need to find a place soon

Paimon - Paimon had no idea Liyue can get cold at night

Aether - Well we are by a port

Paimon - Huh?

Aether - Water makes the area around it cold

Paimon - Oh..

Male Reader - *Shivers*...

Male Reader POV - I kept shivering suddenly feeling something warm over my shoulders warm instantly took over. Confused I looked behind me my eyes going wide seeing it was that guy from before Zhongli I think was his name?

Zhongli - My you're freezing

Male Reader - Zhongli?

Aether - How did you find us?

Zhongli - *Chuckles* It certainly isn't hard seeing you three are the only ones walking around

Male Reader - *Sniffles*

Male Reader POV - My nose started to run gripping onto Zhongli's jacket trying desperately to stay warm. My body was suddenly lifted bridal style blushing heavily giving a squeak.

Zhongli - Come you three can accompany back at my place

Aether - We really don't want to be a bother

Paimon - But (Y/N) is all cold!

Aether - *Looks down* I haven't realized he was that bad

Male Reader POV - I began sneezing and coughing feeling Zhongli rub my back in a soothing manner.

Zhongli - Your friend seems like he's getting sick *frowns*

Aether - (Y/N) isn't used to the cold but he has a weak immune system as well

Zhongli - Hm?

Paimon - We go on lots of adventures but (Y/N) can't be around rivers or cold areas

Zhongli - *Nods* let's get him inside then


Male Reader POV - I snuggled by the fireplace enjoying a cup of tomato soup snuggling in a fuzzy blanket while the others were on the couch.

Aether - Thankyou for taking us in..for taking (Y/N) in for the night

Zhongli - It's no trouble at all but may I ask more about his immune system? I'm having a hard time understanding

Aether POV - I raised an eyebrow confused what was hard to understand about it? That's part of being human nevertheless I went on and explained.

Aether - Sir having an immune system is what keeps us healthy and alive it's basically our body's way of being able to fight off sickness like virus or the weather

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