No More Lies

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Male Reader POV - I slowly opened my eyes to the smell of something sweet confused I began to stretch noticing my body was on a couch. Looking over was Zhongli in the kitchen cooking something in a pan.

Zhongli - Well good morning dear

Male Reader - *Rubs eyes* morning?

Male Reader POV - He set the pan down before walking over kneeling down kissing me softly on the lips catching me off guard.

Zhongli - Indeed you've allowed yourself to sleep all day and last night

Male Reader - O-oh

Male Reader POV - I was shocked that I've slept for so long it must have been from all the crying I've done.

Zhongli - (Y/N) I truly apologize for deceiving you please forgive me

Male Reader POV - I saw how worried Zhongli looked still shocked that he was Morax yes he lied but loving me wasn't one of them. Gently moving my hand up I brushed his bangs out of his face as he slowly grabbed my hand kissing my knuckles causing me to blush.

 Gently moving my hand up I brushed his bangs out of his face as he slowly grabbed my hand kissing my knuckles causing me to blush

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Male Reader - I-I still love you Zhongli

Zhongli POV - A big smile spread across my face reaching in my pocket before handing (Y/N) the pill bottle.

Zhongli - You have no idea how much I've needed to hear those words from you

Male Reader POV - I slowly took a pill out of the bottle before popping it in my mouth swallowing.

Zhongli - Shall we eat some breakfast?

Male Reader - Zhongli I ummm *Looks down embarrassed*

Zhongli - Hm?

Male Reader - Would you mind telling me what it's like being an Archon?

Zhongli - You wish to hear my stories?

Male Reader POV - I slowly nodded my head seeing him give a smile.

Zhongli POV - I smiled sitting down before pulling (Y/N) onto my lap as he snuggled close. The fact that he wanted to know more about me truly made me happy it felt like for the first time that we've truly became a real couple.

Zhongli - Being an Archon came with lots of responsibilities

Male Reader - *Nods* Did you have a different form? How are you still here? Aren't you thousands of years old?

Zhongli - *Chuckles* My it would seem you're just filled with questions

Male Reader - *Giggles*

Zhongli POV - My heart jumped gently rubbing the back of (Y/N) neck it's been so long since I've heard his laugh.

Zhongli - I've taken on a rather strange form in my past life one of a dragon

Zhongli - I've taken on a rather strange form in my past life one of a dragon

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