Healing Process (Short)

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Male Reader POV - After the whole ordeal in Guyun Stone Forest things have been getting better between me and Zhongli. Gently taking a wet wash cloth I wiped the blood from his nose while rubbing his arm with my other hand comforting him.

Male Reader - I hope Xiao and Ganyu are alright

Zhongli - .....

Male Reader - What you did was very selfish you did something so irrational you didn't even think about the consequences

Zhongli - I apologize *Frowns*

Male Reader - You should be sorry do you have any idea how that made me feel?! Seeing you hurt like that?! What would I do if something would have happend?! Think about me! about Grace! About our family!!

Zhongli - *Wide eyes*

Male Reader POV - I looked down embarrassed realizing what I've said only for my face to be raised and cupped in Zhongli's hands. He gave me a content look almost like he was happy pulling me closer our noses barely touching.

Zhongli - Don't fret none we will always be a family nothing will take me away from you or our daughter

Male Reader POV - He soon pressed his lips against mine causing me to moan slowly wrapping my arms around his neck closing my eyes.

Chef Mao - *Chuckles* Things seem to be better now?

Male Reader POV - I gasped pulling away embarrassed seeing Chef Mao holding Grace giving me a small smile.

Male Reader - S-sir?! I-I *Blushes hard*

Zhongli - *Nods* Everything's alright now rest assure

Chef Mao - I'm glad *Smiles* now that things are ok I'd like to ask something from you both

Male Reader POV - I gave a confused look as Chef Mao walked over placing a hand on my shoulder.

Chef Mao - I'd like to request you and Mr. Zhongli take a vacation perhaps to Inazuma? Or your hometown Mondstadt? *Smiles* I'm sure people miss you there

Male Reader - It is a nice thought but we have Grace I don't want to put her under stress

Chef Mao - I'd be honored to take care of her until you come back

Male Reader - *Gasps* S-sir you don't have to do that it wouldn't be right

Zhongli - Agreed we couldn't go baring the thought of you having the responsibility of taking care of our daughter *Crosses arms*

Chef Mao - *Frowns* You-you don't trust me?

Zhongli - You misunderstand me we do have alot of trust and faith into you

Chef Mao - Then please allow me to watch her she's like a daughter to me *Tears*

Male Reader POV - I was shocked seeing how teared up he was getting but smiled as Grace giggled snuggling on the man's chest.

Male Reader - Zhongli I think she'd be ok he really loves Grace

Zhongli - .....*Sigh*

Male Reader POV - Looking over I gave him a pleading look seeing he began to cave.

Zhongli - Alright dear we will go

Male Reader POV - My eyes sparkled thanking Chef Mao for his kindness allowing us to have a break to ourselves.

Thankyou Chef Mao you're always there for us...

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