Forbidden Love

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Male Reader POV - I sat beside Zhongli waiting patiently for Ningguang shaking.

Zhongli POV - I've noticed how nervous (Y/N) was deciding to pour him a cup of tea.

Zhongli - Tea calms the nerves I urge you to drink some

Male Reader - O-ok

Male Reader POV - I slowly took a sip trying to calm down not enjoying the taste much.

Zhongli - Is the tea to your liking?

Male Reader POV - I remembered how Aether wanted me to think for myself more trying my hardest but at the end I just couldn't.

Male Reader - Y-yeah thankyou Zhongli

Zhongli POV - I saw him put the tea cup down observing his face it seemed he didn't enjoy the drink much perhaps it was to bitter? As expected he wouldn't say anything to me it was going to take some time.

Zhongli - Do you require sugar?

Male Reader - ...Yes please

Zhongli POV - I took two cubes of sugar adding them into his cup before stirring as he took another sip smiling.

Male Reader - Thankyou

Male Reader POV - We soon heard footsteps heading our way my eyes lit up seeing a beautiful lady walking towards us.

Male Reader POV - We soon heard footsteps heading our way my eyes lit up seeing a beautiful lady walking towards us

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Male Reader - I-is that Ningguang?! She's very beautiful

Zhongli - She certainly is an elegant lady

Ningguang - Mr. Zhongli I do apologize for coming late

Male Reader POV - She turned to me as I gulped sinking down in my chair.

Ningguang - Is this the young man you've been telling me to meet?

Zhongli - Yes I'd like to request a form

Ningguang - *Chuckles* I don't feel the need we should rush into these things let's allow ourselves to relax and have something to first

Male Reader - *Shakes*....

Zhongli - (Y/N) relax for me *Whispers*

Ningguang - It's only natural for him to be nervous though I do wish for a proper introduction from him

Male Reader POV - The figure infront of me looked alittle annoyed she was very beautiful but at the same time very intimidating. I felt Zhongli gently press his hand on my back sitting up in my seat taking a deep breath. It seemed he was trying to help me calm down slowly I extended my hand out gulping as she shook my hand.

Male Reader - N-nice to meet you Ma'me I'm (Y/N) you umm-you look very lovely this evening

Ningguang - *Laughs* I'm sorry?

Male Reader POV - My face went beat red instantly regretting what I've said biting my tongue.

Male Reader - I-That was inappropriate I-I didn't mean it I'm sorry I-I *Tears*

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