A New Lifestyle

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Male Reader - I'm pregnant?!

Zhongli - Indeed

Male Reader POV - My heart began to race unsure how to act of course this was a dream come true but how? I'm a male regardless of Zhongli being an Archon it still baffled me.

Male Reader - So w-we really can be a family? *Tears*

Zhongli POV - I saw the desire the hope in (Y/N) eyes gently I lifted him in my arms nuzzling my face in his neck hearing his giggles.

Zhongli - I'll protect you both my love

Male Reader POV - I snuggled blushing feeling my heart full of love not believing what was happening.

Male Reader - Zhongli?

Zhongli - Hm? *Smiles*

Male Reader - How would I give birth?

Zhongli - We shall do a C-section a very safe procedure

Male Reader - *Frowns* I'm alittle scared

Male Reader POV - He suddenly grabbed both my hands in his rubbing our noses together.

Zhongli - I'll be there every step of the way

Male Reader - *Blushes*....


~2 Months Later~

Zhongli POV - I felt nothing but hapiness and joy happily taking care of my beloved. His stomach was beginning to get a bulge as well as his energy and appetite changed.

Male Reader - Zhhoonngliii *Whines*

Zhonglai - I'm coming Dear

Zhongli POV - I quickly ran down the hall heading in the bedroom seeing (Y/N) lay in bed comfortably.

Male Reader - May I have some ice-cream? Pleeeaaasseee

Zhongli - *Chuckles* You've already had 3 bowls you request more?

Male Reader - *Pouts*

Zhongli - Why don't I take you for some tea? Alittle sun could do some good

Male Reader - *Nods*

Zhongli POV - Walking over I helped (Y/N) out of bed gently placing my hand on his stomach as he snuggled close.

Zhongli - Our baby is doing wonderful

Male Reader - *Giggles*

Zhongli POV - I've dreamed to have a family for so long to enrich my life with someone I've truly been blessed to have (Y/N) in my life.


Male Reader POV - I took a sip of my tea humming to myself snuggling in my clothes. My stomach has been getting bigger to the point where my clothes got uncomfortable so Zhongli got me fuzzy pants and baggy t-shirt almost like pajamas.

Male Reader - This tea is delicious can I have some seafood to? *Smiles*

Zhongli - (Y/N) we must be mindful of the baby certain foods can harm our child

Male Reader - O-oh

Zhongli POV - I took another sip of my tea before placing my cup down folding my hands together over the table.

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