Life Changing Decision

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Male Reader POV - I walked in town with Zhongli and Chef Mao sighing happily. We held a basket full of food and a blanket while Chef Mao rolled the baby stroller with our swimsuits in a duffle bag in the netting hearing Grace's laughter.

Male Reader - I never been to Luhua Pool before *Smiles*

Chef Mao - Grace will love it there is it's a nice subarea in Qiongji Estuary

Male Reader - Oh so it's a quiet area?

Zhongli - *Nods* The baby won't be overwhelmed with her surroundings

Male Reader - Thankyou for letting Chef Mao comes with us

Zhongli - It's my pleasure

Male Reader POV - I couldn't contain my smile excitedly walking ahead trying my best to calm down.


Grace - *Giggles*

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Grace - *Giggles*

Male Reader POV - I swam around the lake holding Grace close as she splashed in the water. Looking over was Zhongli and Chef Mao already changed in their swimsuits setting out the blanket and picnic basket under a nice shady tree.

Male Reader - Zhongli! Chef Mao! Swim with us! *Laughs*


Chef Mao - Your family looks like they're having a good time

Zhongli - Indeed it brings me great joy seeing them both happy

Chef Mao - *Frowns* I'm still a bit worried about the Adepti's what if they punish you for breaking rules?

Zhongli - No one will tear me away from my family *Crosses arms*

Zhongli POV - My ears perked up hearing Grace call out to me sighing happily.

Grace - Daaadeeeeee dadeeeeeee

Chef Mao - We should swim with them now

Zhongli - *Smiles* Of course


*Splash splash*

Male Reader - Grace sure does love the water

Zhongli - She certainly is enjoying herself

Male Reader POV - I swam with Zhongli and Chef Mao feeling the sun beat down on us enjoying the warmth. My smile suddenly turned into confusion feeling something touch my feet looking around.

Zhongli - Dear what's wrong?

Male Reader - *Frowns* I'm not sure I thought something something touched me

Chef Mao - Their's no fish in the lake are you sure it could just be your imagination

Male Reader - ....

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