A Fortunate Find

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Aether POV - Me and Paimon walked around Dragonspine feeling the snow crunch under my feet walking around. It sure is a beautiful place the sky was mixed with blue and purple colors

Paimon - *Groans* Aether! Paimon wants to know when we are leaving Dragonspine *Whines*

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Paimon - *Groans* Aether! Paimon wants to know when we are leaving Dragonspine *Whines*

Aether - Tomorrow Paimon let's give (Y/N) another day to relax

Paimon - Hmph! *Crosses arms* Paimon's jealous he gets to relax with Mr. Zhongli

Aether - *Sigh* You know (Y/N) has bad health and we agreed it was best for him to take a break

Paimon - Y-yeah *frowns*

Aether - Cheer up Paimon he's being taken care of remember Zhongli is getting him medicine

Paimon - Hey Aether what if he doesn't want to leave Liyue? We wouldn't be traveling buddies anymore

Aether POV - We stopped walking giving Paimon a small sad smile.

Aether - I've been thinking about that for awhile it certainly was a possibility but it may be better for him if he did stay

Paimon - Better? Paimon doesn't understand

Aether - *Sigh* You know he's got health problems being in Liyue with Zhongli may be good for him

Paimon - But we were all supposed to go to Inazuma together next! *frowns*

Aether - Paimon you need to understand he's in a calm environment and gets medicine now I truly believe if he continues going on adventures with us he may end up dying

Paimon - No! *sobs* bad thoughts! (Y/N) shouldn't die!

Aether - We will always visit him you know that we can take pics of Inazuma to

Paimon - Paimon wants to bring (Y/N) lots of food from there

Aether - Well Inazuma's cuisine is much more different than Liyue's perhaps he'd enjoy it

(Mondstadt - Savory

Liyue - Spicy

Inazuma - Sweet)

Paimon - Goodbyes aren't fun

Aether - I know but it will be good for (Y/N) we'll always love him that won't change

Paimon - *Groans*....

Aether POV - I thought for a moment giving a small smile.

Aether - Hey why don't we find a souvenir for him to bring back I'm sure he'd love that

Paimon - Ohhhh yeah! Let's find lots of pretty things for him!

Aether POV - That seemed to have cheered Paimon up finding (Y/N) a present will be both meaningful and it would create memories.


Aether POV - Me and Paimon kept walking around suddenly seeing a red glow from a distance.

Paimon - Ohh what's over there?

Aether - I'm not sure let's take a look

Aether POV - Confused we both went over to the light looking down was something covered in the snow. It gave off a warm presence slowly brushing way the snow my eyes went wide seeing what appeared to be a ruby red crystal teardrop.

Aether - It feels almost alive *Whispers*

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Aether - It feels almost alive *Whispers*

Paimon - It's beautiful!! We could get lots of Mora off this! Paimon is thinking about all the delicious food we could get just imagine!!

Aether - We were looking for a gift for (Y/N) remember?

Paimon - Oh yeah *Nervous laughs* Paimon forgot

Aether POV - It certainly was beautiful but I've never seen such a gem before considering all the adventures me and (Y/N) have been on this was something entirely different.

Aether - Let's give this to him *Smiles*

Paimon - *Shakes head* Yeah he's going to be so happy!!

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