Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Male Reader POV - Zhongli decided to take me out of the Serenitea Pot after a few weeks of my stomach healing. He held me close with one arm rubbing my shoulder as my head leaned on his chest while we both pushed a baby stroller around Liyue hearing our child making small noises and giggles.

Zhongli POV - Looking around I've noticed a few stares luckily it didn't seem like anyone was showing inappropriate behavior. Still why did everyone give us a confused look? Was it perhaps (Y/N) was Male? Where they simply confused on how he had a child?

Male Reader - Zhongli my stomach hurts alittle *Frowns*

Zhongli - Dear you've just acquired stitches it's going to take some time for you to heal

Male Reader - I understand...

Zhongli POV - I looked around more frowning pulling (Y/N) close to me. For some reason it made my mind more at ease when he was in the Serenitea Pot but it's not somewhere he should stay 24/7 regardless of that being my desire.

Male Reader - Zhongli what's wrong?

Zhongli - Everything's alright

Male Reader POV - I saw how Zhongli looked uneasy we began to walk toward a nearby bench. Before I could sit down Zhongli picked me up in his arms causing me to blush before walking over picking the baby up out of her stroller sitting down holding us both close.

Male Reader - Zhongli...?

Grace - *Giggles* Daaadeee

Male Reader POV - He held us both tight feeling his body shake against us causing me to frown more. Something was definitely wrong why was he being so clingy and affectionate?

Zhongli - You both are my happiness my treasure *Tears* You've changed my world

Male Reader POV - I cuddled close as he began to sob understanding why he's upset now.

Male Reader - You won't lose us *Whispers*

Zhongli - *Sobs* I love you both so much!
Chef Mao POV - I hummed to myself setting out plates of Tianshu Meat (Y/N) made sweet just how he likes it smiling. It's been awhile since I've seen him and Zhongli today they were supposed to come visit for lunch. Yes my shop was indeed closed for today but not for them. I soon heard footsteps looking over seeing Zhongli and (Y/N) come over along with the baby stroller. My smile widen quickly walking over pulling them both in a hug.

Chef Mao - You finally came *Smiles*

Grace - Daddeee daddeee *Giggles*

Male Reader POV - I went over gently taking Grace out of the stroller holding her close gently rocking her.

Chef Mao - You have such a beautiful baby girl

Male Reader POV - I blushed at the words feeling Zhongli hug me from behind sighing happily.

Male Reader - I wish you could have seen her sooner

Chef Mao - May I hold her?

Male Reader POV - I looked over at Zhongli with pleading eyes as he gave me a nod letting me know it was alright. My eyes lit up gently handing her to Chef Mao seeing him kiss her forhead.

Chef Mao - What's her name?

Zhongli - Grace...

Chef Mao - She's so lovely *Whispers*

Chef Mao POV - I held the baby close feeling warmth in my heart the fact that I've been gaven such privilege made me feel honored.

Male Reader - Chef Mao if we are eating lunch with you Grace is going to be hungry

Chef Mao - *Chuckles* Did you think I'd forget about your child?

Zhongli - Hm? *Crosses arms*

Male Reader POV - Me and Zhongli followed behind seeing Chef Mao go inside his shop before opening the fridge while holding Grace in his free hand.

Chef Mao POV - I soon pulled out a bottle about to feed Grace until Zhongli grabbed my wrist.

Zhongli - May I ask what contents are in that bottle? *Stern tone*

Male Reader - *Wide eyes* W-why would you ask him that?!

Zhongli - .....

Male Reader POV - I saw Chef Mao lower the bottle looking down quickly going over rubbing his back for comfort.

Male Reader - That was very rude of you! He's your friend why would you think the worst from him like that?!

Zhongli - I apologize I didn't know what came over me please forgive me

Male Reader POV - I shook my head in disgust before turning giving Chef Mao a small smile gently lifting his arm up encouraging him to feed Grace.

Male Reader - Everything's alright *Smiles* thankyou for putting thought into this

Chef Mao - *Tears*.....

Male Reader POV - I gently rubbed his eyes dry still angry at how Zhongli acted as he began to feed her.

Zhongli POV - I looked down feeling ashamed of myself unsure what to say or do next.

Male Reader - She sure is hungry

Chef Mao - *Nods* I'm glad she's enjoying her food

Male Reader - Chef Mao may I ask what it is? It's nothing spicy right?

Chef Mao - It's spinach carrots and strawberries for some sweetness something easy on your baby's tummy

Male Reader - You sure put alot of thought into this

Male Reader POV - I turned my head seeing Zhongli looking down frowning before walking over gently grabbing his hand. He looked up at me staying silent squeezing his hand tighter letting him know it was ok.

Male Reader - It's ok I know you meant no harm in what you said

Zhongli - ....I apologize to you and Chef Mao my behavior was far from appropriate

Chef Mao - It's alright I understand you were just looking out for your child it's natural to react in such a way

Zhongli - *Frowns*...


Male Reader POV - Me and Zhongli were enjoying lunch together as Chef Mao held Grace close while eating his food. The sight infront of me made me smile he really must of loved her to be this attached.

Zhongli - It would seem you really enjoy holding our baby

Male Reader - Zhongli...please

Male Reader POV - I was worried he'd say something irrational but instead to my suprise he gave a small smile going back to his food.

Chef Mao - I'm sorry she's just a peice of you and (Y/N) it just makes me happy knowing I can be part of it

Male Reader - Sir *Whispers*

We'll always love you Chef Mao you're always going to be family to us...

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