Close To My Heart

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Male Reader POV - It's been a few weeks almost time for the Lantern Rite I've gotten used to Liyue and gotten to know people better everyone was so friendly waving to me.

Zhongli - My it would seem you've gotten popular here

Male Reader - *Smiles* I'm just happy to help others and make their job easier

Zhongli - Your heart certainly made an impact on everyone I'm just honored to be the one that claimed it in the end.

Male Reader POV - I held Zhongli's hand tight laughing feeling joyful looking around. Seeing Chef Mao suddenly walk up to us waving I let go of Zhongli's hand running up giving him a hug.

Male Reader - Hey Chef Mao! *Hugs*

Chef Mao - Someone seems excited

Chef Mao POV - I hugged (Y/N) back kissing the top of his forhead

Zhongli - It's always a pleasure to see you

Chef Mao - It seems everyone is working extremely hard

Male Reader - Zhongli can I go help Chef Mao cook for the festival?

Zhongli - Of course that's perfectly fine

Chef Mao - (Y/N) I won't be serving costumers today me and you instead will be making plenty of appetizers for the festival

Male Reader - Oh! *Smiles* I'm familiar with the spicy menu so it should be easy

Chef Mao POV - I couldn't help but laugh placing my hand on his head rubbing softly.

Chef Mao - No sweetheart we need to go to the Harbor we'll be requiring special ingredients for our cuisines

Male Reader - Like limited stuff?

Zhongli - Each year during the festival most of the shops obtain limited supplies of spices and food such as Ungai meat

Male Reader - *Nods* is it from another nation?

Chef Mao - Inazuma to be exact each year we send our own specialties over during our own Festivals

Male Reader POV - My smiled wided knowing Aether will be going there it seems I'll be able to try Inazuma cuisine early then.

Male Reader - What about Mondstadt?

Chef Mao - *Smiles* They will be shipping over some of their famous Dandelion Whine and Wolfhook Juice for the kids

Male Reader - That's really sweet of Liyue to think about them like that

Chef Mao - *Chuckles*....We'll also be making different varieties of food spicy,sweet,savory for everyone

Male Reader - Really?! *Giggles*

Zhongli - This would be considered the one time a year Chef Mao makes exceptions on his cooking other than cooking for you

Male Reader - *Nods* Will you be coming with me and Chef Mao?

Zhongli POV - I patted the top of (Y/N) head seeing him smile.

Zhongli - I'm afraid I can't love I've got matters to attend I'm sure Chef Mao will take care of you while I'm gone? If he's ok with it?

Chef Mao - I'll watch over him we'll have a wonderful time together

Male Reader - *Frowns* ...Oh ok

Male Reader POV - He suddenly cupped my face in his hands kissing me softly on the lips.

Chef Mao POV - I was shocked that he'd show such affection out in public without getting everything situated first with the Adepti's.

Male Reader POV - I blushed heavily as Zhongli still held my face giving me half lidded look. Not being able to take it I quickly hid my face in his chest hearing a low chuckle.

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