Lantern Rite Festival

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Male Reader - WOW!! look at all of those pretty fireworks and lanterns!! I've never seen something so beautiful before!

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Male Reader - WOW!! look at all of those pretty fireworks and lanterns!! I've never seen something so beautiful before!

Zhongli POV - I held (Y/N) hand tightly as he dragged me around Liyue causing me to smile big.

Male Reader POV - Looking around I saw alot of shops open kids were running around delicious food was being served I was happy to help Chef Mao.

Zhongli - *Laughs* Pace yourself my love

Male Reader POV - Giggiling I nodded my head slowing down swinging our arms back and forth in delight. My eyes suddenly went wide seeing Ningguang stand there with an entire different outfit on as she gave me a smile.

 My eyes suddenly went wide seeing Ningguang stand there with an entire different outfit on as she gave me a smile

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Male Reader - Ningguang you look so beautiful!!

Ningguang - My well don't you have a way with words are you enjoying yourself?

Male Reader - Mmh! It's so pretty and lively to I've never seen so many people have a good time like this

Ningguang - You've certainly been a big help

Male Reader - Thankyou Ma'me I'm glad I could help but..I would have still done this even without our deal

Male Reader POV - She ruffled my hair causing me to blush.

Ningguang - I'm perfectly aware you're such a sweet kid

Male Reader - *Giggles*

Zhongli - He's certainly made an impact on everyone

Ningguang POV - I've noticed (Y/N) was looking around excited gently patting his back.

Ningguang - Why don't you both go and enjoy the festival it seems (Y/N) can't contain himself

Zhongli - I understand it is his first festival after all


Male Reader POV - Holding Zhongli's hand I've wanted to see all the festival has to offer but my first stop was to see Chef Mao at his food stand to see how things are going. We kept walking until we eventually got to his area seeing all the food set up that we've cooked together.

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