Wouldn't Trade You For The World

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Male Reader POV - We walked around Liyue for some reason Zhongli held my hand tighter than usual as he looked forward.

Male Reader - Zhongli are you alright?

Zhongli - .....


Male Reader POV - It was only natural that he was upset looking closely I've noticed his eyes were stained with dry tears it made me feel incredibly guilty.

Male Reader - I'm sorry...for not being a girl for not being able to conc-ugh!

Male Reader POV - My body was suddenly pulled into a tight hug as he held me close in his chest.

Zhongli - Don't you ever apologize for something that isn't in your control! You have stolen my heart I love you no matter the situation!

Male Reader POV - I tearfully nodded my head cuddling as he began to pick me up in his arms.

Zhongli - You're my precious treasure don't think for one second that I'd regret being apart of your life


Male Reader - I cuddled as Zhongli walked sniffling still feeling guilty. A girl suddenly walked up to us as Zhongli put me back down holding my hand.

Aurora - Awww who's this young man? He looks so cute in his little sailor's outfit

Male Reader - *Blushes*....O-oh

Zhongli - This is (Y/N) my significant other

Aurora - Mr. Zhongli I'm suprised you'd be with someone *Wide eyes*

Zhongli - ....

Male Reader POV - The lady suddenly pinched my cheeks squeaking embarrassed.

Aurora - So cutteee!!! *laughs* Sorry I'm just all giddy

Zhongli - I apologize but I'm not quite understanding *Raises eyebrow*

Aurora - Well I've had my motherly instincts take over lately ever since I've gotten pregnant

Zhongli - Oh well please accept my congratulations then

Male Reader POV - My heart cracked looking down I began sniffling.

Zhongli POV - I've noticed (Y/N) was upset squeezing his hand tighter trying to give reassurance as he looked back up.

Male Reader - Congratulations Ma'me

Male Reader POV - She suddenly grabbed my wrist placing my hand on her belly as Zhongli looked at us shocked.

Aurora - Do you feel that? My baby will be due soon *smiles*

Male Reader - *Tears* I'm sure you'd do a wonderful job taking care of your child

Aurora - It's going to be a beautiful baby boy though I'm not sure what to name him yet

Male Reader POV - For some reason my tears died down feeling my heart fill with joy.

Male Reader - I-I'm sure whatever you name him will be beautiful

Aurora - *Smiles* That's very kind of you to say

Zhongli - (Y/N) come now we should get going

Zhongli POV - I've noticed he didn't respond to me as he kept his hand on the woman's stomach.

Male Reader - Please make sure the baby stays in good health I'm sure he'd love lots of toys maybe his own playroom

Aurora - *Giggles* I'll keep that in mind

Zhongli - (Y/N) let's go now

Male Reader - Maybe give him lots of cookies have him play at the park just make sure he's always safe ok?

Male Reader POV - By this time Tears flowed down my face falling to my knees.

Aurora - Hey are you ok?! *worried look*

Male Reader POV - I was suddenly lifted back on my feet as Zhongli pulled me away before I could get a chance to respond to her.


Zhongli - Why don't we get ourselves some tea? It will most definitely help

Male Reader - .........

Zhongli POV - I stopped in my tracks before turning my body lifting (Y/N) chin.

Zhongli - You know I can't stand to see you like this that sadness in your eyes absolutely kill me

Male Reader - Zhongli *Tears* I can't offer you a family so I'd understand if you wouldn't want to be with me

Zhongli - ....Don't you dare say that to me again

Male Reader - H-huh?

Zhongli - I'd never once regret being with the boy I love

Male Reader - *Tears* Zhongli

Zhongli - You have been and always will be my priority in life regardless of the situation I'd never allow myself to love you any less

Male Reader POV - He began to caress my face pressing our forheads together.

Zhongli - Dear I am aware that the gender is an issue to conceive but regardless of that I'd always want to keep trying

Male Reader - C-can your magic really make me pregnant? Is it even possible

Zhongli - I'd always want to try regardless of the possibilities

Male Reader - But what if I can't offer you what you want? What if it never happens?

Zhongli - *Shakes head* You've already gaven me all that I could ask for you've been a blessing to walk in my life please understand I'd never allow anyone or anything to separate us

Male Reader POV - My heart began to get warm wrapping my arms around Zhongli's neck as he held me close

Male Reader - *Sniffles* I still want us to keep trying maybe your magic will make it a miracle

Zhongli POV - I held (Y/N) close hearing him sigh seeming less stressed.

Zhongli - We will you have my word....


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