Know Your Worth

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Male Reader POV - I was helping Chef Mao cook some food as he stood beside me taking orders. He looked really annoyed so it was best not to ask many questions.

Costumer #1 - Hey I ordered 10 minutes ago where's my order?!

Male Reader - I-I'm sorry Sir we will get that out for you

Costumer #2 - Are you a new helper? What was Chef Mao thinking?! At least hire a professional

Male Reader - I-*Tears*....I'm sorry I promise to bring your food out

Costumer #2 - Well hurry up! I'm starving!

Chef Mao - They were treating (Y/N) poorly it began to piss me off

Chef Mao - You're doing a wonderful job *Whispers* Don't pay any attention to them

Male Reader - I tried to keep it together but the insults just kept coming why were these people so cruel?! It was just food! Then one Costumer said something that absolutely broke me

Costumer #3 - Damnit you're useless! Why were you even put on this planet?!

Chef Mao POV - My eyes went wide seeing (Y/N) stand there with tears. I've noticed everyone else went silent as well it seemed they've realized the words they have said went to far.

Chef Mao - (Y/N)?

Male Reader - ....*Tears*

Chef Mao - I quickly put the plates of food down pulling him into a hug as he cried in my chest.

Chef Mao - What the FUCK is wrong with all of you?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Male Reader - *Sobs hard*....

Chef Mao - (Y/N) they didn't mean it calm down shhh

Male Reader - I'm a bad person I couldn't help properly I'm useless I'm useless!!!

Chef Mao POV - I looked at everyone in anger before picking (Y/N) up in my arms.

Chef Mao - I don't understand why you people are so fucking cruel!? Every day every God damn day I'm dealing with such inappropriate behavior!!

All Costumers - ........

Chef Mao POV - You want to treat me like shit that's fine but don't you dare belittle my helper! He's a very kind person and doesn't deserve any of this!!

Male Reader - *Sobs* I-I need to work I need to help people

Chef Mao - Sweetheart you aren't helping any of these people I'm not going to let them treat you like this anymore *Tears* I shouldn't have allowed it to go on for this long

Chef Mao POV - I saw the 3rd Costumer giving a remorseful look as I held (Y/N) close protectively.

Costumer #3 - I'm sorry I truly am

Chef Mao - Please I just need all of you to go away I'm not allowing this to continue

Male Reader POV - I kept crying suddenly feeling my hand being grabbed looking up to see the Costumer.

Costumer #3 - Please forgive me that wasn't right what I've said

Male Reader - *Sobs* Why are you all so mean to Chef Mao he's a very nice chef and cares alot about others needs

Costumer #3 - .....

Male Reader - He's made me a special menu for none spicy good he understands its important to make others happy but all of you treat him inhumane why?!

Chef Mao - (Y/N) hush now it's alright you treat me with kindness that's all I need

Male Reader - It's not ok! *Tears* you deserve to be treated like a human being!!

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