A Flower Blossoming

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The Next Day ~

Male Reader POV - I walked beside Zhongli looking around Liyue smiling to myself.

Male Reader - This place is beautiful much different than Mondstadt

Zhongli - It is quite the scenery

Male Reader - Are we heading to the Pharmacy now?

Zhongli - I'd like for us to eat lunch first there's a lovely tea house I'd like you to accompany me to

Male Reader - A-actually um...

Zhongli POV - I saw how (Y/N) was acting like he was hesitant on it telling me something. I remember how Aether informed me on him never speaking up always putting others first.

Zhongli - (Y/N) did you need to infirm me on something?

Male Reader - ....

Zhongli - Is there another place you've had in mind?

Male Reader - *Nods*....I-I umm

Zhongli POV - We stopped walking turning to (Y/N) before lifting his chin.

Zhongli - Where would you like to go?

Male Reader - I-can we go see Chef Mao?

Zhongli - You wish to eat at his shop today?

Male Reader - *Nods* I like Chef Mao lots he was really kind to me I didn't like spicy food much so he made me costume meals and made me my own menu

Zhongli - That's very kind of him of course we can eat there but tonight allow me to take you to the teahouse for dinner then

Male Reader - *Smiles* Thankyou Zhongli


Male Reader POV - Me and Zhongli walked side by side soon seeing Chef Mao smiling but gave a frown seeing how stressed he was.

Male Reader - Their is alot of costumers is he alright?

Zhongli - *Crosses arms* ...It seems like he's under alot of stress

Chef Mao POV - I was cooking as fast as I could getting people there orders annoyed some of the costumers were pushy and rude. Rolling my eyes I looked over suddenly seeing (Y/N) and it appeared to be Mr. Zhongli next to him. My face turned into a smile as they walked over (Y/N) was always so kind he never wanted to cause me stress unlike these costumes honestly him coming here was a breath of fresh air.

Male Reader - Chef Mao?

Chef Mao - (Y/N) *Smiles* how nice of you to come and visit me

Male Reader - *Frowns* Sir you look really stressed are you alright?

Chef Mao POV - I was about to answer until a costumer barged past him my eyes going wide seeing (Y/N) get rudely shoved.

Male Reader - Ouch *sobs*

Chef Mao - Are you alright?!

Male Reader - *Sniffles*...

Chef Mao POV - I began to get angry at everyone seeing how they hurt him.

Zhongli - (Y/N) I'm terribly sorry for this behavior Are you hurt?

Male Reader - My arm hurts *Rubs arm* I-I got shoved badly *sobs*

Chef Mao POV - Before I could say things I gasped seeing how annoyed Zhongli was seeing his eye began to glow. This may not have been a big deal for some people but me being one of the only few to know he was an Archon knew how serious this situation was. Zhongli never really loses his cool it was rare so I've never seen him as a danger to Liyue but for him to act like this over (Y/N) well being he must have cared for this boy alot.

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