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Zhongli POV - It's been a few days Lady Ningguang and Chef Mao wanted to check on (Y/N) to evaluate his health. It appeared he was stable still but Lady Ningguang requesting to take him out for the day was a bit odd. Nevertheless I allowed (Y/N) to go spend time with her allowing himself to get a bit of fresh air.
Male Reader POV - I walked in Liyue with Ningguang enjoying some apple cider humming to myself.

Ningguang - Lovely day isn't it?

Male Reader - *Nods* I can see the beautiful blue sky

Ningguang - (Y/N) ....may I ask how you're feeling?

Male Reader - I'm ok and Zhongli made me feel better to

Ningguang - I see well that's good

Male Reader - Osial is out of pain to

Ningguang - I'm aware *Smiles* You've shown him such love and care

Male Reader - *giggles*

Ningguang POV - We kept walking around keeping my head down in shame. It certainly was a suprise that Morax showed such compassion but in a way the outcome was expected considering (Y/N) poured his heart out praying for such a simple yet kind request.

Male Reader - Ningguang are you ok?

Ningguang POV - This secret was becoming more unbearable by the moment.

Male Reader - Ningguang?

Ningguang - Huh?

Ningguang POV - I moved my head back up turning around seeing (Y/N) give me a worried look. Taking my hand I gently rubbed the top of his head trying my best to keep my composure.

Ningguang - Everything's alright I promise

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head as we kept walking taking another sip of my juice blushing at the taste. It was so sweet and crisp and with the day being so sunny and hot it made the drink taste even better.
Zhongli POV - Sighing I sat at the table drinking a cup of tea smiling to myself gently taking my thumb I rubbed the prints on it. (Y/N) sure did put alot of thought in this gift the teacup is absolutely lovely.

*Knock knock*

Zhongli POV - "Hm?" Their was a sudden knock at the door curious I got up out of my chair before walking over. Opening the door immediately feeling sick seeing it was Childe standing there with a big smile waving to me.

 Opening the door immediately feeling sick seeing it was Childe standing there with a big smile waving to me

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Zhongli - C-childe

Childe - Well hello their *Smiles* It sure is good to see you again

Zhongli POV - He walked in past me annoyed my eye began to twitch shutting the door behind us seeing him walk around.

Zhongli - You need to leave *crosses arms*

Childe - Leave? But I just got here *laugh

Zhongli POV - He twirled around suddenly pushing me against a nearby wall the next thing I knew his lips pressed firmly against mine.

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