Love Blossoms (+18)

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Male Reader POV - We were back at Zhongli's place but things didn't seem right he patted my head telling me he needed alone time as he walked into his bedroom.


Male Reader POV - It's been about 25 minutes I started to get worried about him. Deciding to get up off the couch I went over to the room he walked in before knocking.

Male Reader - Zhongli? Are you ok?


Male Reader POV - No answer I placed my ear up to the door hearing faint cries. Taking a deep breath I opened the door my eyes going wide seeing him hunched over the bed his arms and face were glowing yellow.

Male Reader - Zhongli?!

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Male Reader - Zhongli?!

Male Reader POV - He must have not heard me quickly running over I grabbed his arm as he looked at me with terrified stare. Tears streamed down his face he looked like he was in pain.

Zhongli - (Y/N) ngh! *Tears* pl-please kindly go in the living room for me

Male Reader - No! You're in pain! Why are you glowing?! What's going on?!

Zhongli - I-please just go for now *Sobs*

Male Reader POV - Ignoring him I went on the bed flipping his body over forcefully getting in between his arms snuggling on his chest.

Male Reader - It's ok *Tears* I'm not going anywhere I promise!

Zhongli POV - I slowly wrapped my arms around (Y/N) beginning to calm down crying to myself as the letters on my skin began to fade.

Zhongli - I-I can't be apart from you ever *Tears*

Zhongli POV - I couldn't deny it any longer I've fallen in love with this boy it's was inevitable from the start I needed him in my life. Feeling all the energy drained from my body I began to close my eyes as (Y/N) snuggled ontop of me.

...I love you (Y/N) so so much........


Zhongli POV - After what felt like hours I began to slowly wake up my blurry vision began to clear. Looking down was (Y/N) sleeping ontop of my chest his legs tangled with mine. Blushing my hand made it's way to his face feeling my heart begin to race.

 Blushing my hand made it's way to his face feeling my heart begin to race

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