Parting Ways

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Aether - It all makes sense now thought I'd never believe it have you not showed us any of your powers

Paimon - Mr. Zhongli is it really ok for (Y/N) to be with you?

Zhongli - I'm not allowing myself to give up on us staying together

Paimon - ....

Zhongli - You mustn't tell (Y/N) under any circumstances

Aether - But if you love him isn't it best he knows? I understand the rules and the possible loophole but still

Zhongli - *Crosses arms* As far as I'm concerned my life as an Archon has been left behind yes I'm still bound to the rules but I'd like to allow my life to continue as a human

Aether - *Sigh*....Zhongli I-

Aether POV - My words were cut of looking over seeing (Y/N) rub his eyes sleepily walking into the livingroom with us.

Zhongli - (Y/N) I thought I've made myself clear that you need to stay in bed and rest

Male Reader - *Yawns*

Zhongli POV - He walked over towards me before placing himself on my lap cuddling close.

Zhongli - (Y/N) *gasps*

Male Reader - ......

Zhongli POV - He closed his eyes again falling asleep in my arms pulling him close.

Paimon - (Y/N) must really love you

Zhongli - He truly is my world

Male Reader - *Snores*.....

Aether - Zhongli...even though he signed a contract even though you're an Archon you've done alot to stay with him

Zhongli POV - Absent-mindedly I began to stroke (Y/N) hair one strand at a time gently kissing his forhead. Before I knew it big round orbs began to open looking up into my eyes.

Male Reader - *Yawns* Zhongli....

Aether - You're awake now

Male Reader POV - I rubbed my eyes snuggling close before stretching alittle.

Paimon - You look super rested! *giggles*

Zhongli - *Smiles* I've told them about us about you staying here

Male Reader POV - Frowning I looked down suddenly feeling my hands being grabbed looking up again. Looking into Aethers eyes I'd expect anger or disappointment but instead he gave me a big smile holding my hands tighter.

Aether - (Y/N) is that what you want? For you to live here? To be with Zhongli?

Male Reader - *Tears*.......

Male Reader POV - I slowly nodded my head feeling ashamed of myself.

Male Reader - I-I thought you and Paimon would be mad at me that you both wouldn't love me anymore

Male Reader POV - He suddenly cupped my face feeling his tears drip onto me.

Aether - We would never stop loving you regardless of your choice!

Aether - We would never stop loving you regardless of your choice!

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