I'm Your's Forever

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Male Reader POV - I held Zhongli's hand tightly lacing our fingers together my eyes lightning up as we walked across the fields seeing the City of Freedom just ahead of us.

Male Reader - Look we are almost there!

Zhongli - It certainly looks different than last time

Male Reader - You've been here before?

Zhongli - Indeed but let's not talk about the past now *Smiles* shall we get going?

Male Reader - *Giggles* Yeah
Chef Mao - I held Grace close as she giggled in my arms feeling my heart get warm and fuzzy. Zhongli and (Y/N) put trust into me to take care of their daughter.

*Knock knock*

Chef Mao - Hm?

Chef Mao POV - Raising an eyebrow confused I got up from the couch before walking over toward the door opening it. My eyes went wide seeing Aether and Paimon standing there giving me the biggest smile.

Paimon - Chef Mao! Paimon has missed you!

Aether - *Smiles* Sir it's been awhile

Chef Mao - Y-yeah *Wide eyes*

Chef Mao POV - It's been almost a year since I've seen (Y/N) friends not thinking they'd show up all the sudden.

Paimon - *Smiles big* Chef Mao you had a child?! She's soop adorable!

Chef Mao - S-she isn't mine

Paimon - Huh? Paimon is confused

Chef Mao POV - I let them both in before shutting the door getting ready to explain everything to them.
Male Reader POV - I walked in Mondstadt with Zhongli enjoying the atmosphere. It's been so long since I've been here I almost forgot what it was like between the food and the people.

Zhongli - You've must have adored this place

Male Reader - Yeah I do miss it but Lyiue is my home I belong with you and Chef Mao

Zhongli POV - I held (Y/N) hand tighter seeing a man with red hair come over causing me to raise an eyebrow.

Diluc - (Y/N) it's good to see you again

Male Reader POV - He gave me a warm smile as I let Zhongli's hand go leaping forward giving him a hug.

Male Reader - Dillluuccc I've missed you!!

Zhongli POV - I crossed my arms seeing how this man held (Y/N) groaning uncomfortably clearing my throat.

Zhongli - *Clears throat* D-Dear who's this?

Male Reader - Oh! This is Master Diluc! He works at Angel's Share Tavern it was one of my favorite places to go!

Zhongli - I see..

Male Reader POV - I felt myself be put down before Diluc went over shaking his hand.

Diluc - It's a pleasure meeting you..?

Zhongli - ..Zhongli

Diluc - Well *Smiles* would you both want to stop by Angel's Share?

Male Reader - Oh Zhongli you'll love it! They have a lovely bar I don't drink but they've got juice and dessert drinks

Zhongli - *Crosses arms* alright then

Male Reader POV - I saw how upset he was getting grabbing his hand in mine seeing him give a small smile.
Paimon - Whhhaaaaa?!?!??! S-so this baby is (Y/N) and Mr. Zhongli's?!?!

Aether - *Frowns* Alot has happened while we were gone we should have checked in more

Chef Mao - It's alright I'm sure he understands *Smiles* afterall you both have been going on adventures it's only natural to get caught up like this

Paimon - Oh *Wines* Paimon feels bad but knows our friend understands

Aether - So they've gone on a mini vacation?

Chef Mao - Yes back at Mondstadt I believe

Paimon - Ooh let's go visit! Let's go right now!!

Aether - Paimon no it isn't polite to interrupt them while they spend their alone time together

Paimon - *Frowns* you're right Paimon's sorry

Aether - It's alright

Chef Mao - They trust me to take care of their daughter she's been quite a handful but I see her as my own

Aether - (Y/N) must really love you to put Grace in your care

Chef Mao - It certainly does bring a tear to my eye

Male Reader POV - I blushed heavily enjoying my drink swinging my legs back and forth.

Diluc - *Cleans another glass* (Y/N) doesn't drink so I've taken the liberty to make non alcoholic versions of course I'm not a fan of it either

Zhongli - I see..

Zhongli POV - I took another sip of my Boreal Watch (1 Tea, 1 Milk, 1 Mint) sighing to myself gripping the glass tightly between my fingers looking over at (Y/N).

Zhongli - Dear what are you drinking?

Male Reader - Caramel Pinecones (1 Coffee, 1 Milk, 1 Caramel) it's so good!! Master Diluc has it listed with Alcohol but he makes mine without it sometimes he adds in some chocolate and makes it extra sweet

Diluc - *Chuckles* Nothings to good for you sweetheart

Zhongli POV - I bite my tongue anger began to fill inside gently setting my glass down.

Zhongli - (Y/N) I don't wish to trouble you but I'd like for us to get going soon perhaps explore more of Mondstadt?

Male Reader - *Nods* Is everything alright?

Zhongli - .....

Male Reader POV - His lack of response worried me grabbing his hand in mine squeezing tightly. He soon began to eye Diluc carefully understanding what was wrong seeing the red haired man clean the end of the bar giving me the chance to whisper to Zhongli.

Male Reader - Zhongli no one is taking me away from you *Whispers* and that includes Diluc..I love you and only you we have a beautiful daughter together and a lovely home

Zhongli POV - Tears formed beginning to calm down feeling a bit better

Male Reader - Please let's relax and have a good time alright?

Zhongli - *Smiles* You're right love I apologize for acting like that

Male Reader - It's ok no more though

Zhongli - Of course

Zhongli POV - Moving (Y/N) hand up I kissed his knuckle before taking another drink feeling the cool mint go down my throat. Perhaps I should show more hospitality and kindness towards Master Diluc I wasn't exactly kind when we first met.

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