Thought For Your Travels (Short)

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Aether POV - Me and Paimon were walking seeing the orange leaves fall onto the ground.

Paimon - Ohhhh *Wines*

Aether POV - I've noticed she flew very low not talking much concerning me normally Paimon is full of energy and life but something was clearly wrong.

Aether - Paimon what's wrong?

Paimon - We haven't seen (Y/N) in a super long time Paimon misses him

Aether - *Nods* It certainly has been months *Frowns* we haven't got to say hi in awhile

Paimon - Can we please go back to Liyue? Pleeeeeaassseeeee

Aether - *Smiles* I think he'd like that maybe we can get a souvenir along the way for him

Paimon - Oh yay! Paimon wants to pick something super duper cute out! Something amaaazzziiinnggg

Aether POV - I smiled at Paimon's enthusiasm happily agreeing.

Aether - We haven't traveled far from Inazuma should we go back and get something there?

Paimon - Mhm! Paimon saw a few stands with lots of trinkets and thinks it's something (Y/N) would like...Paimon is very sorry for not saying anything before though *Sighs*

Aether - It's alright let's head back and get him and maybe Zhongli a gift as well?

Paimon - Yeah! Mr. Zhongli Definitely needs a gift as well it wouldn't be nice to leave him out

Aether - Let's get something special and unique for them

Paimon - Yay!!! Let's go let's go! *Cheers Excitedly*

Aether POV - Nodding my head we both turned back heading towards Inazuma City. It was alittle bit of a walk but would be worth it in the end to see a smile on (Y/N) and Zhongli's face to make them both happy.

 It was alittle bit of a walk but would be worth it in the end to see a smile on (Y/N) and Zhongli's face to make them both happy

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