Not Good Enough

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Male Reader POV - Me and Zhongli were sitting inside Yanshang Teahouse having some Tea and Moon pie. For some reason my heart was still in pain I knew Zhongli loves me but I couldn't offer a family in a way I'm just holding his hapiness back.

 For some reason my heart was still in pain I knew Zhongli loves me but I couldn't offer a family in a way I'm just holding his hapiness back

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Zhongli - Is the food to your liking?

Male Reader - *Nods* It's delicious thankyou...

Zhongli - Dear? Is something the matter?

Male Reader POV - My heart was beating fast balling my fists under the table. I was happy being with this man but he deserved someone better between me not being able to conceive my heart having issues everything was unfair to him.

Male Reader - I umm...may I go outside for a minute and get some fresh air?

Zhongli POV - I raised an eyebrow a bit confused but nodded my head.

Zhongli - You may but please do hurry back

Male Reader POV - Taking a shaky breath I got up before walking out of the Tea House.

Zhongli POV - Once (Y/N) left I sighed casually stirring my teacup waiting for his return


Zhongli POV - I've waited for about 10 minutes finally getting up out of my seat. Something wasn't right he should have been back by now groaning I quickly made my way outside looking around.

Zhongli - (Y/N)?

Zhongli POV - Looking around their was no sign of him my heart sped up feeling sick.

Zhongli - (Y/N)?!?


Zhongli - (Y/N) where are you!? *Tears*

Zhongli POV - Without another second to spare I quickly ran around Liyue looking for (Y/N)
Male Reader POV - I sat under a tree deep inside Guyun Stone Forest sniffling having my knees up to my chest. He deserves someone better I'm not the one for him I'd never be good enough.

*Crunch crunch*

Male Reader POV - Hearing a noise I slowly turned my head seeing a green and orange deer with beautiful markings and orange antlers. Quickly I dried my eyes as he walked over slowly petting it's head.

Male Reader - I didn't know animals were in this part of the forests

Moon Carver - ......

Moon Carver POV - I've noticed the kids eyes were stained with dry tears and that Morax wasn't around causing me great concern.

Male Reader - *Sniffles* animals like you shouldn't be here it's not safe but I guess Zhongli wouldn't want me here either...

Moon Carver - .....

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