The Truth

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Male Reader POV - I felt my arm gently dragged over as me and Zhongli sat across the table. He then slowly grabbed my hands in his giving a fearful look it began to scare me the way he was acting.

Zhongli - (Y/N) I need to inform you on something *Tears*

Male Reader - What's wrong?

Zhongli - ....

Male Reader - Zhongli tell me! What's wrong?!

Zhongli POV - Desperation was heard in (Y/N) voice feeling my heart race squeezing his hands tighter afraid of him letting go.

Zhongli - I'm afraid I've not been truthful towards you


Male Reader POV - After hearing his story I slowly pulled my hands away in disbelief.

Male Reader - Y-you lied to me? Everything was a lie?!

Zhongli - (Y/N) please understand my love for you was genuine and still is! I've gone through great lengths to stay with you!

Male Reader - *Tears* but you lied! I don't understand do you just want a child with me because I'm human?! To carry on your Archon legacy?!

Zhongli - *Tears* You know that ain't true!

Male Reader POV - I began to stand up feeling sick to my stomach sobbing to myself.

Male Reader - Chef Mao kept it from me *sobs* YOU EVEN TOLD MY FRIENDS!! BUT YOU KEPT IT FROM ME!?

Zhongli - I had no choice I-


Zhongli - *Tears*......

Zhongli POV - I couldn't say anything my body was failing on me just sitting there frozen hearing the cries and screams coming from the one I loved dearly.

Male Reader - I-I thought Ningguang liked me *sobs* Ganyu and Xiao they tested me they didn't care about me either!! *Sobs* not even Chef Mao did everyone either tested me or lied about who you are!!

Zhongli - L-love the people in Liyue do adore you....

Male Reader - N-no they don't!

Male Reader POV - I hit the table with my fist crying standing there in pain feeling betrayed. Everything was a lie the people I've met was a lie!!


Moon Carver POV - I heard screams coming from the Wangshu Inn quickly heading the the source before landing next to (Y/N) and Zhongli.

Moon Carver - I heard a disturbance is everything alright?

Moon Carver POV - (Y/N) gave me a look of pain and agony tears ran down his face looking over to Zhongli he was pale and in distraught. That's when I've realized what has happend my eyes going wide.

Moon Carver - Z-Zhongli?

Zhongli - I had to tell him *Whispers*

Moon Carver POV - Before I could respond (Y/N) ran past me crying wasting no time chasing him

Moon Carver - (Y/N)!!


Male Reader POV - I ran as fast as my feet could carry me ignoring the pain building up from my heart disease. Tears ran down my face feeling absolutely disgusted how could Zhongli lie to me like that?! All this time he was an Archon and everyone I've loved knew!? Chef Mao Aether Paimon why not me?! Why did he leave me in the dark?! I thought he loved me! *Sobs*.....

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