Pushing Past The Limits

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Male Reader POV - Zhongli gently held my hand in his as we walked through the grass looking around confused

Male Reader - Zhongli where are we going?

Zhongli - Last night I've departed from our home while you were in your slumber

Male Reader - *Wide eyes* you left the house? Why?

Zhongli - I've had a long discussion with Moon Carver he had to inform the other Adepti's of my wrong doings *Frowns* everyone is aware of the situation.....

Male Reader - *Looks down* Zhongli was the Archon War really bad?

Zhongli - Indeed it was single handedly the worst day of my life

Male Reader POV - I thought for a moment Zhongli acted out before when he hit Childe and now he killed Osial it was like he was a different person. Strangely enough each time he acted out it was all because it involved me he wasn't himself in fact he began to get scary. We suddenly stopped as he turned looking at me taking both my hands in his before kissing my forhead.

Zhongli - I'd like to ask for your permission on something

Male Reader - Huh?

Zhongli - Please close your eyes for me

Male Reader POV - Confused I did as he said feeling myself being led down the grassy field's.


Zhongli - You may open them now *Whispers*

Male Reader POV - I did as he said my eyes instantly went wide seeing Moon Carver,Cloud Retainer Ganyu and Xiao around Guyun Stone Forest.

Zhongli - I've regrettably informed everyone of my wrong doing

Male Reader - *Tears*....

Male Reader POV - It was awkward seeing Ganyu and Xiao they never cared about my well being neither did Cloud Retainer. Moon Carver was the only one I was comfortable being around the only adeptis that I've trusted around me and dare I say Grace....

Ganyu - (Y/N) Mr. Zhongli told us everything that has happened to Osial

Male Reader - *Looks down*.....

Male Reader POV - I heard footsteps a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder thinking it was Ganyu. Slowly looking up I was stunned to see it was Xaio giving me a regretful look.

 Slowly looking up I was stunned to see it was Xaio giving me a regretful look

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Xiao - None of us put your life into consideration it was wrong of us!

Male Reader - X-Xiao

Male Reader POV - He suddenly pulled me into a hug hearing his soft whimpers shocking me.

Zhongli POV - I kept my arms crossed observing seeing how broken Xiao and Ganyu where sighing to myself.

Ganyu - (Y/N) please forgive us

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