Endless Beauty

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Male Reader POV - I walked along side Chef Mao and Zhongli as we made our way through Liyue taking in the beautiful scenery.

Male Reader - Everything's beautiful!

Zhongli POV - I saw (Y/N) run ahead looking around causing me to chuckle.

Chef Mao - He sure is full of life ain't he?

Zhongli - Indeed he is

Chef Mao - It may take awhile to get to the Pharmacy


Male Reader POV - I kept walking suddenly my arm was grabbed seeing Zhongli give me a small smile.

Zhongli - We shall look at shops later for now let's focus on the Pharmacy

Male Reader - Alright


Male Reader POV - We kept walking soon crossing a small bridge looking in the water as water lily's and glazed lily's were floating around.

Male Reader - Oh wow look at all these flowers!

Chef Mao - They're beautiful huh? A liyue speciality

Zhongli POV - I stood beside (Y/N) pulling him close in a side hug seeing both our reflections in the water. It felt truly special in this moment I remembered the last time I've saw my reflection it was only me in it lost and alone but now (Y/N) was here with me.

Zhongli - (Y/N)..

Male Reader - Huh?

Male Reader POV - I looked beside me seeing Zhongli move down picking a flower before standing back up handing it to me. His smile was warm and inviting gently taking the flower I blushed smelling the sweet fragrance thanking him.

 His smile was warm and inviting gently taking the flower I blushed smelling the sweet fragrance thanking him

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Chef Mao POV - It was nice seeing Zhongli happy after so long being self isolated. He told me he wasn't in love and that it wasn't something he'd have time for but who could deny this? Still something bothered me Zhongli was an Archon and (Y/N) was a human it made me wonder if love did blossom between them is it even allowed? It made me worry alittle.


Male Reader POV - We kept walking holding the flower close to my chest soon arriving inside the Pharmacy. We saw what appeared to be a man with green hair and glasses having a snake wrapped around his neck.

 We saw what appeared to be a man with green hair and glasses having a snake wrapped around his neck

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