What We Are Now (End)

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Male Reader POV - I layed with Zhongli under a shaded tree as he held me close on his lap snuggling close.

Male Reader - I'm glad we've got to have time to ourselves

Zhongli - It certainly is relaxing

Male Reader - ....

Zhongli - Dear is something wrong?

Male Reader POV - Spinning around I looked up in Zhongli's eyes giving a sad look as he began to caress my face.

Male Reader - I'm still upset about what you've done to Osial and about Ningguang *Frowns* She didn't care for me and neither did Cloud Retainer the only one who cared was Moon Carver

Zhongli - Everything's going to be alright regardless of them not showing any sort of compassion we've still hold the ones we love close in our hearts

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head before resting my head on his chest as he rubbed my back up and down kissing the top of my forhead.

Male Reader - What about Childe?

Zhongli - He won't be bothering us anymore I'll make sure of that he won't lay a finger on you or our baby

Male Reader - *Smiles* I know you'd always protect the both of us and Chef Mao as well

Zhongli - He's family *Whispers*

Male Reader POV - I giggled before rubbing our noses together.

Male Reader - He's taking good care of Grace right now I can't wait until we let Aether and Paimon know about the news

Zhongli - *Chuckles* I'm sure they already know

Male Reader - Huh?

Zhongli POV - Looking up at the sky I held (Y/N) tight against my chest giving a small smile as a single tear escaped the corner of my eye.

Let's start our new lives together to raise our child and have a long fulfilling life of prosperity...

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