Let Me Be The Man You Deserve

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Male Reader POV - I groaned silently feeling Zhongli lay ontop of me kissing my neck up and down our feet tangled In the bedsheets. It's been hours since he hurt Childe and now he's acting like everything is ok now? Why?!

Male Reader - Please get off *Whispers*

Zhongli POV - Frowning I cupped his face forcing him to look at me trying to move down for a kiss only to have his head turn.

Zhongli - Why are you denying me?

Male Reader - *Tears* You hurt someone and now you act like it didn't happen

Zhongli - ....You think I haven't thought about the events that took place? The situation I've put you through?

Male Reader POV - I heard the anger in Zhongli's voice as he grabbed my face more forcefully this time pulling me forward looking deep into his eyes.

Zhongli - I'm aware of my actions *Tears* don't make me remember them

Male Reader - *Shakes head* You can't forget and hope things just get better it isn't right! *sobs* you really hurt Childe!

Zhongli - (Y/N) Are you even aware what that man did to me?

Male Reader - H-huh? *Sniffles*

Zhongli - Never could I imagine myself losing control like today it truly was a frightening moment

Male Reader - ......

Zhongli - (Y/N) He allowed himself to kiss me

Male Reader - *Wide eyes* W-what?

Male Reader POV - My heart began to crack looking away again immediately sobbing

Zhongli POV - I saw how distraught he was frowning imagining the pain he's in.

Zhongli - Please you must understand I'd never allow this!

Male Reader POV - I shook my head crying only for Zhongli to cup my face forcefully pressing our lips together.

Male Reader - Mpfh!


Zhongli POV - I kept kissing (Y/N) slowly closing my eyes the kiss was sweet like honey nothing compared to Childe's where it was sour and bitter like venom.

Male Reader POV - I gasped in the kiss feeling Zhongli's tongue gently slip into my mouth.

Male Reader - Zh-Mpffh!

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Male Reader - Zh-Mpffh!

Male Reader POV - He began to suck on my tongue moaning as he pulled me closer to his body.

Zhongli POV - (Y/N) sweet moans caused me to blush savoring every moment. My hands slowly made there way down his hips rubbing in a circular motion before cupping his ass breaking the kiss.

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