Golden Leaves

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Chef Mao POV - I was annoyed at what happened Zhongli did love this boy but he's going to far. He made (Y/N) feel like he wasn't worth any value just what in the world was Zhongli thinking talking about (Y/N) conceiving a child trying to use his powers to do something that wasn't even remotely possible! I didn't matter that he was an Archon he was Making rash judgements and now this happens?!


Male Reader POV - I layed in bed sitting up sighing moving my feet around bored.

Ganyu - (Y/N) is everything ok?

Male Reader - I'm just bored and I miss Zhongli

Ganyu - I understand but you were ordered to stay in bed for the time being Lady Ningguang wants to make sure you're fully recovered I understand you miss Zhongli to

Male Reader - *Nods* I've acted terrible running away like that

Ganyu - Zhongli already told me the situation *Frowns* I'm very suprised that he'd want to have a family with you

Male Reader - I can't provide that.....

Ganyu - (Y/N) he still very much loves you I don't think any of that matters

Male Reader - .....I'm not sure

Male Reader POV - I soon heard footsteps looking over was Ningguang it seemed she heard our conversation.

Ningguang - Is everything alright?

Male Reader - I-I don't know

Male Reader POV - She sat on the edge of the bed patting the top of my head.

Ningguang POV - I've began to get sick to my stomach feeling guilty with this "test" just how much longer was it going to take? Looking over Ganyu seemed to feel the same pain and guilt. Lying to (Y/N) like this was something that I'm not sure how much more I can take
Zhongli POV - Crossing my arms I looked around the flower shop squinting my eyes in dissatisfaction. "These delicate flowers simply won't do (Y/N) deserved something more elegant" thinking for a moment I began to look in the distance of Liyue a small smile formed acrossed my lips. Perhaps he'd appreciate fresh flowers it was well deserved after all. He was such a sweet loving boy so it would make sense I knew either way he'd appreciate them.
Male Reader POV - I looked down sad feeling Ningguang stroke my hair.

Ganyu - Lady Ningguang (Y/N) isn't smiling

Ningguang - ....I know

Male Reader - .....

Ningguang POV - Things seemed to be getting worse the more (Y/N) was here. He did love Zhongli but keeping him in the dark like this wasn't good for his mental health. I soon saw a figure in the corner of my eye looking over was Chef Mao walking towards me.

Chef Mao - Lady Ningguang *frowns*

Ningguang - *Sigh*..It's a suprise to see you here

Chef Mao POV - I kneeled down caressing (Y/N) face seeing him not even look at me.

Chef Mao - Sweetheart look at me please

Chef Mao POV - He didn't listen to me looking over I gave Ningguang a pleading look.

Ningguang - You may take him

Chef Mao POV - Nodding my head I slowly picked (Y/N) up in my arms as he cuddled his head on my chest.

Chef Mao - Why don't I make you something to eat? I'll make you something sweet ok?

Male Reader - *Sniffles*....I don't make Zhongli happy

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