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The Next Day ~

Zhongli POV - Ever since the event of our loving making has past confessing my love I've felt nothing but relief wash over me. (Y/N) was mine and mine alone regardless of being an Archon God the rules gave me little to no concern we were both happy and that's what matter most to me.

Zhongli - Enjoying yourself?

Male Reader - *Smiles* It's really warm outside it feels nice

Zhongli POV - Me and (Y/N) both sat outside relaxing soaking up the sun rays. I had my head layed down observing his face as he sat there content.

Male Reader POV - I've noticed Zhongli couldn't contain his smile as he sat with me outside

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Male Reader POV - I've noticed Zhongli couldn't contain his smile as he sat with me outside. He had a blush formed across his face giggling to myself. Zhongli was a kind sweet man and I've felt honored that he wanted to be with me. Of course it was shocking but we truly did care and love eachother the thought put a smile on my face.

Zhongli - (Y/N)...

Male Reader POV - He grabbed my hands across the table giving me a loving look.

Zhongli - You've made this man very happy

Male Reader - *Blushes*....S-so we are a couple now?

Zhongli - *Smirks* Does someone require a reminder?

Male Reader - N-NO!! *blushes hard* I-I'm perfectly fine!

Male Reader POV - I saw Zhongli get up from his seat before walking over kneeling down cupping my face in his hands. The next thing I knew he pressed his lips against mine in a heated kiss.

Moaning I've began to kiss back as he gently sucked on my tongue soon breaking away panting heavily

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Moaning I've began to kiss back as he gently sucked on my tongue soon breaking away panting heavily.

Zhongli POV - (Y/N) looked at me face flushed drool dripping down his mouth causing my smirk to widen.

Male Reader - *Pouts* You're mean

Zhongli - Come now I'm not mean

Male Reader POV - I pouted more as he picked me up like a baby holding me close to his chest.

Love Knows No Bounds (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now