A Miracle (+18)

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Warning: This scene hints at Mpreg and for future of the story some people may find this uncomfortable if you don't want to read it anymore I understand considering this story will take a whole new turn....

Male Reader POV - We walked in the city holding hands looking around confused.

Male Reader - Zhongli why is everyone keeping their distance from us?

Zhongli - *Groans* I'm not entirely sure

Zhongli POV - Was it possible Ningguang told everyone about this? Not that's impossible it was her duty to protect my identity no matter the circumstances.

Male Reader POV - We kept walking soon seeing Chef Mao at his shop with his head down. Quickly I let Zhongli's hand go before running over toward the man.

Male Reader - Chef Mao!

Chef Mao POV - I kept my head down feeling sick to my stomach after everything that has happened what does (Y/N) think of me? I suddenly heard my name being called confused I moved my head up gasping at the sudden contact. Looking down was (Y/N) giving me a big hug as he rested his head on my chest.

Chef Mao - S-sweetheart *gasps*

Male Reader - I missed you sir!

Chef Mao POV - I slowly hugged back resting my chin on top of his head sighing in relief.

Chef Mao - You've had us all worried for you kid

Zhongli - I'd like to thank you again for helping me find him

Chef Mao - *Looks up* how could I not? He was in trouble and no one wanted to help!

Zhongli POV - I frowned before handing him a bottle as he looked at me confused.

Chef Mao - Is this Dango Milk?

Zhongli - Correct

Chef Mao - This stuff is only in Inazuma and impossible to get how we're you able to get one?

Male Reader - Zhongli knows someone from Inazuma he sent them here

Chef Mao - You're giving this to me?

Zhongli - I feel it's appropriate considering you helped me with (Y/N)

Male Reader - We've got a bottle for Moon Carver to

Chef Mao - *Frowns* (Y/N) I'm so sorry

Male Reader - Huh? How come?

Male Reader POV - He suddenly lifted me up in his lap rubbing my back feeling his body shake.

Chef Mao - I've kept so many secrets from you I'm not proud of it

Male Reader - About Zhongli?

Zhongli - .....

Chef Mao - Are you ok with this? Him being an Archon?

Male Reader - It was very hurtful to be lied to but Zhongli promised me no more lies

Zhongli - Darling..

Male Reader - I've fallen in love with Zhongli not Morax *Frowns*

Male Reader POV - I suddenly was lifted in Zhongli's arms as he held me close kissing the top of my forhead.

Male Reader - N-noo stop put me down *Whines*

Male Reader POV - He put me back down hearing him chuckle blushing embarrassed.

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