Bringing New Life Into The World

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Chef Mao POV - It's been a few months me and Zhongli walked around Liyue shopping for (Y/N) as he layed comfortably in the teapot.

Zhongli - The baby will be here soon

Chef Mao - It's been months are you planning on telling Ningguang and the other Adepti's soon?

Zhongli - They are no concern of mine why would I go out of my way telling them something as important and life changing as my beloved giving birth when they've never considered his well being?

Chef Mao - I understand but-

Zhongli - Under no circumstances will they be hearing that kind of news from me they don't deserve that kind of luxury

Chef Mao - *Frowns* Zhongli...

Chef Mao POV - I saw the pain in his face deciding to drop it sighing heavily.

Chef Mao - Giving birth takes alot will he be ok in the area he's in? Shouldn't he be in a hospital?

Zhongli - I'm not going to allow strangers to witness (Y/N) birth he's mine alone and no one shall get in the way of our moment

Chef Mao - But that's what the hospital is for he'll need medicine for pain and an IV drip to insure his heart and blood pressure is stable!

Zhongli - I assure you I'm quite aware of the human body I'll take all the necessary steps to insure his and the baby's safety
Aether POV - After much time in Inazuma it was time for me and Paimon to say Farwell.

Paimon - Paimon had lots of fun!

Aether - *Smiles* I did to Paimon

Paimon - Do you think we can come back again soon? Paimon wants to go back to the shops and eat all the yummy food again!

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Paimon - Do you think we can come back again soon? Paimon wants to go back to the shops and eat all the yummy food again!

Aether - *Nods* We will don't worry maybe (Y/N) can come next time?

Paimon - *Frowns* Paimon misses (Y/N) very much

Aether - It's ok we've got souvenirs for him

Paimon - Oh yeah! Let's make (Y/N) very happy with these gifts!

Ather POV - Thinking back my smile widen remembering the good times me and Paimon had here in this region.

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