4 | a temporary job for cash

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The warm glass of my iPhone was pressed firmly against my cheek whilst I cradled it with my shoulder, a large cardboard box heavy in my arms as I nudged open the front door using my foot. I'd started to lose feeling in my fingers from carrying the box from the subway station to my new apartment block, but mostly from the fact I walked ten minutes in the wrong direction before realising I wasn't anywhere remotely near where I should have been.

Moving interstate wasn't unfamiliar territory for me. In fact, this was the fourth move in the 22 years of my life. I was born and raised in Chicago until I was 11, then I moved to boarding school in Upstate New York, moving on to attend college in Massachusetts and now I'm back in New York City after graduating. Majority of my life was in Westchester County as I lived at my school near Salem. People always think that's 'so cool' when I tell them where I'm from because nobody actually goes to Salem, they just know the witch trials that occurred there and assume it's a spooky town.

It's not, it's actually pretty boring.

"Look I understand that... But I did submit a portfolio of work... Well yes, I do believe that my college newspaper qualifies as a professional publisher, and so does the Pulitzer Prize board! Yes... Yes I am aware of that... Are you aware that one of my pieces was nominated for the most esteemed journalistic award in America? Oh really? My apologies, I didn't realise that your newspaper was so elite at being pretentious douche bags," I exclaimed, right before the woman hung up on me.

Rightfully so, but still. Screw her.

It has been over two weeks that I have been getting ignored by the recruitment team at The Daily Globe, being told that they would call me 'tomorrow'. Day after day, they'd tell me 'tomorrow' and yet, tomorrow never came. Their journalist team in my opinion sucked ass compared to those writing for The Daily Bugle but after their editor in chief J. Jonah Jameson had also declined my job applications, I resorted to trying these fuckers.

In my final year of college, I had written a piece on the criminal mastermind, Baron Helmut Zemo. The former Colonel of the Sokovian armed forces, he set a vendetta against those with enhanced powers; including the Avengers. He basically caused the Civil War and it landed him in prison.

He was incarcerated inside The Raft - which was one of the worlds highest security prisons for enhanced individuals, the entire facility submerged completely underwater for safety. Baron Zemo had been denied any and all forms of contact by the government, but this girl right here managed to crack them in order to get an exclusive expose. I guess you could say that I'm just a pro at persuasion.

It turns out that as much as Zemo hated super soldiers, he did have a heart. He was broken out of prison by the Winter Soldier and the former Falcon to defeat a terrorist group called the Flag Smashers who used a super soldier serum on themselves. So yes, he did kill lots of innocent people at the start. But he also helped kill really bad people in order to save even more innocent people. After sharing his side of the story, he was viewed as like this twisted "anti-hero".

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