13 | a deeply erotic rendezvous

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Interviewing Phineas Mason wasnt as much of a dead end than I thought it would have been. Despite never seeing Spider-Man without the mask, he did let it be known that his partner, Adrian Toomes, 'knew' Spider-Man. And he said that Mac Gargan heard Adrian say the same thing. What that actually meant mind you, was beyond me.

Getting to The Raft was difficult to say the least. It was a prison so elusive and mysterious that the world couldn't even begin imagining what it looked for it's inmates. There has never been a photo released of the outside let alone the inside and the very few visitors who are granted security clearances aren't allowed to talk about their experiences inside.

The Raft is a large cylindrical submarine type of thing that resides underwater. It holds the most dangerous criminals in the Western world and mostly contains those with supernatural or enhanced abilities; since normal jails couldn't contain them. When external people need to go to The Raft, they are flown to its location via helicopter for the prison to then rise up above sea level and the helicopter lands on the top. Once the guests are inside, the station submerges itself back into the sea.

The inmates are kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and have zero contact with the outside world. Once they go in, they usually never come out - it's almost a guaranteed life sentence. It's impossible to escape this place, but in the rare occasion someone does, there are a multitude of hurdles they'd have to overcome.

Firstly, all of the inmates have GPS tracking devices inserted into their bodies. All guards are wearing light armour with facial distortion masks developed by Mach-V and equipped with electroshock weapons. Said weapons can only be actively used by their assigned guard, otherwise they don't work. And finally, if they get out, surrounding the water of The Raft lie an army of nerve toxin infused jellyfish, each individually altered to poison anything they touch.

With three seperate security guards escorting me inside, I take a deep breath as I reach the main entrance. Despite knowing the high levels of security this submarine has, it doesn't take away from the fact that I'm amongst some of the most dangerous people in the world, so it still gives me chills although I've been here once before. As I walk past the glass panels of each cell, I catch a glimpse of the inmates between the thick vibranium bars that act as a second barrier from the glass. Let me tell you now, these inmates weren't even the worst of the worst... They were further down within The Raft.

Victor Werner von Doom, a.k.a Doctor Doom. A man with his heart set on world domination, he travelled the world for broader knowledge. Soon into his travels he came across a village of Tibetan monks who helped Doom create full body armour. He then went back to his homeland of Latveria and overthrew their government. After ruling Latveria as their King, he donned a metal mask to hide his disfigured human face after a brutal accident back in college. Arguably of the most brilliants minds on the planet with magic strong enough to match someone of the best in the universe, he was actually considered a worthy candidate to be the new Sorcerer Supreme.

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