28 | a sweaty panic attack over the past

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Y/N told me that she would be arriving at the Stark Gala at 7pm, where she would be walking down the red carpet as an honoured guest. She invited me to walk down with her but said I didn't have to because it would be overwhelming. She then proceeded to tell me that the bulk of guests would be arriving at 7:30pm for an 8pm start and so, I arrived at 7:04pm.

I was wearing the only suit that I owned; the suit Tony had bought for me as a teenager that was miles too big for me at the time. Putting it on now however, it was only the tiniest bit too big, yet it would only be noticed by someone with a keen eye. I guess he assumed I'd be taller by this point... Me too Tony, me too. To the average person tonight, I was just a young guy in a ridiculously pricey suit. Fuck, what if people think I stole it? No, no Peter don't be stupid. They'll just think I'm a trust fund baby like all the other rich young people attending this thing.

Waiting to cross the road I saw Pepper walk down the red carpet. She looked radiant, smiling at the many cameras flashing towards her as she was met with Happy standing by her side. Fuck, I miss Happy... I hadn't seen him since I bumped into him at May's grave site. He was paying his respects the same time I was and we briefly talked about how much of an amazing woman she was. He asked how I knew her and I said Spider-Man, he said same.

The pedestrian crossing turned from a little red man to the green, a swarm of people now walking both ways across the street. I froze, my hands clammy and my mouth dry from the immense anxiety I was now feeling about having to see some of the closest people in my life once again. Well, used-to-be closest people in my life.

Pepper put her arm out and waved her daughter closer to them, Morgan joining her mother and step-father in small heels and a modest dress. I couldn't believe how grown up she had gotten, how old was she now? Eleven? Twelve maybe? I felt my eyes well up with tears as I saw Rhodey walk down next, followed by Sam Wilson and Clint Barton waving at the crowd. They weren't in their heroic outfits, they were in tailored suits and their hair was done immaculately. It almost made me feel more disoriented seeing them look so different to what I remembered.

Sniffling and wiping under my eyes with the back of my thumb I looked around me to see if any strangers were watching me; a grown man cry whilst watching a red carpet. Luckily for me, they weren't. Shit, I can't do this. I can't be in the same room as them all night without balling my fucking eyes out at the fact they can't remember who I am.

I took my phone out and texted Y/N, apologising for being a shitty person and bailing last minute. It crushed me to think how upset she would be but I simply couldn't bare to be in that room tonight. I thought that after this many years I'd be fine, but obviously I'm not. I'm not okay.

Maybe I'll just get some food, go home and like, cry in the shower for a bit. I need to get this out and a cathartic shower sounds perfect right now. I'm slightly hyperventilating right now and I'm in not position to be at a fancy gala but Y/N is going to be so mad at me for cancelling on her... Shit, what about her speech? She's been practicing her speech in her bathroom mirror for days and I promised her I'd be the one cheering the loudest in the audience.

Okay Peter, just snap out of it, be brave and go in there. Just... Just keep a low profile and focus on what's important about tonight. You're here to support Y/N and have a nice enjoyable night out with her.

I jogged across the road when I saw a break in the traffic, waiting briefly for security to check my name off the guest list before entering the large event space. The ceremony had begun and the guests were all sat around circular tables watching the stage. The room was dark and I couldn't spot where Y/N was sitting so I stood towards the back, watching Pepper greet everyone and thank them for being here.

The ceremony itself was pretty boring until Y/N was invited on stage. It was just boring rich people donating to research and boring old people thanking them. But Y/N brought such a youthful approach. She spoke so eloquently and beautifully that it kind of made me angry that none of New York's media outlets would hire her as a journalist. Come on, she's literally at the Stark gala, what more could they want from her?

As lights around the room grew brighter and music from the orchestra started to play, people got up from their tables and made their way to various bars, buffets and dance floors. I for one, tried to beeline towards Y/N before I saw a very intoxicated old man ask to dance with her. She's so nice that she said yes too. The poor girl, he's probably going to reek of whiskey, money and geriatric depression.

She looked absolutely beautiful, as elegant as ever and although she was obviously uncomfortable dancing with this old guy, her smile still lit up the room. There was no surprise she had caught the eye of many in the room. If people didn't want her for themselves, they'd probably just be jealous of her beauty. Or empathetic that she was being forced to dance with this drunk millionaire.

As I slipped my arm around her lower back and pulled her closer towards me, I couldn't help but tell her how beautiful she looked. Mostly I said it because I meant it, but I also said it to try and test the waters of whether or not she was annoyed at me. Maybe she would be happy that I'm here after all. Although her face said otherwise.

"And you look incredibly late," she huffed next to my ear, swaying to the music and looking to the side.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I got caught up and didn't think I'd be able to make it but I'm here now," I smiled crookedly, kissing her cheek gently.

When I leant in however, she had moved her head out of the way, my lips hitting her jaw as she practically tried to dodge it entirely.

"I-I need some fresh air," she said stepping away from me and zigzagging through the multiple couples dancing around us.

Lingering behind I watched her go out to a nearby balcony, where a few people were lighting up their cigarettes or puffing on their vapes. Feeling guilty I meandered my way out there, finding Y/N leant against the balcony wall staring out across the city.

"Y/N I'm sorry, okay? I know you're upset," I sighed.

She didn't turn around.

"Look, I had a massive anxiety attack as I arrived tonight and I didn't want you to see me like that... I got here when you told me to but I couldn't bring myself to actually go inside... I watched your speech though, I was the one wooing and cheering up the back super loudly," I admitted.

"Because of the Spider-Man thing?" She said softly, turning around with a somewhat emotionless and blank face.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I chuckled.

Surely I'm dreaming or imagining things because she did not just say that right now. She's slurring a few of her words too, maybe she's just had a bit much to drink and she's just joking around. It's a joke that hits close to home but hey, I can laugh this off right?

"I mean, it would be kind of weird coming here and being surrounded by some of the Avengers right? It's like gate crashing a work Christmas party where you quit your job without saying goodbye to them," she shrugged.

I stayed silent, staring all dumbfounded and stupid at her like a moron as everyone continued to talk around us. I for one, was frozen in my spot. The music was like a whisper in the background and the people surrounding me blurred into oblivion because all I could focus on right now was that Y/N had just told me my own secret.

"I'm sorry, I'm really confused right now..." I trailed.

"Peter, I know you're Spider-Man."

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