31 | a delirious spiral of internet searches

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I think I'm already starting to feel myself burning out. Or it's just the first real sensation of stress that I've not recessed into the depths of my heart like I have done for the past several years. I'm facing my issues like a normal adult. When I'm not working, I spend my days and nights searching for Venom.

He's gotten quiet since the horrific incident where he left headless children on the ground and message for me in blood. I know he is still out there somewhere, he's just being more careful with his bodies; eating them entirely rather than playing with his food to taunt me. Aunt May always used to tell me not to play with my food, she'd tell me to just eat it or put my fork down.

Venom doesn't use forks though.

I suppose Venom could use a fork if he wanted to. Maybe if he was trying to be civilised. For instance, if he were to be at a fancy restaurant and needed to- Jesus Christ I really am going insane, why am I even thinking about this? This parasitic maniac is eating innocent New Yorkers!

It's 5:38am and I'm sitting on my couch in the pitch black, on my laptop trying to find any and all information I can about Venom. My patrolling has obviously not garnered any positive results and my mental state has deteriorated to the point where I am now relying on Reddit shitposts and obnoxious TikTok comments for any clues to Venom's whereabouts.

How does Y/N do this as a living? She spent months trawling through the internet for information and clues about my identity. Wait, if she knew my identity why hasn't she published an article already? Is she protecting my secret? Fuck, I miss her. Every time I text her I just get left on seen and when I see her in the lobby she just gets embarrassed and leaves.

I don't even know who she is to me anymore. Are we even still dating? Fuck, I can't really ask her that can I? That would just make things awkward, or make her get angry at me again.

Opening a new tab on my laptop I started my internet spiral into finding out as much information about my not quite a girlfriend, maybe platonic neighbour, as I could find. I started with her name; Y/N L/N. The only things that really popped up were her social media accounts but everything came to a dead end when I realised there was no trace of her existing online from when she was around 18.

I tried looking her up in the MIT database but I couldn't find any proof that she went there whatsoever. I know she definitely went there though because I've seen her bachelors degree hung on her wall from afar. Fuck, why is this shit so hard?

I scrolled endlessly through her Instagram for clues, finding comments from the same group of friends time and time again. I found out she was part of the journalistic scholarship team or some bullshit and ended up finding her award winning piece on Baron Zemo.

14 pages? Yeah, I'll save that for later so I can read it properly and with my full attention - I'm definitely not reading it at fucking 6:09am.

I searched up that same journalism group on the MIT website and saw that they had an archive folder of weekly college newspapers and writing pieces from decades and decades ago. So, I did what any perfectly sane and well rested man would do; click on every one to see if I could find anything with Y/N's name on it.

That's when I found something quite intriguing...
An old scholarly writing piece from freshman students, Stavros Zafeiriou, Hyun-Jae Soo, Shirley Cheng, Ben Cartwright, Matthew Hakir-Qedim and Gwen Stacy.

Except in the tiny group photo of the students, Y/N was standing with them under the reference to a certain Miss 'Gwen Stacy'...

Instantly, I searched the name Gwen Stacy into the MIT website, where it was flooded with awards and accolades this student had won. But no other photos were shown whatsoever. So I turned to Google, where I was met with the same sorts of MIT search results. When I had gotten to the 7th page of Google however, I saw a super long URL with the words 'Superheroes Are Created In Labs' and a reference to 'Ravencroft Exposed' as the page title.

I was delirious at this point, 6:43am with the sun well and truly risen above the horizon. Fuck it, I've read hundreds of absurd conspiracy stories tonight. So, what's one more to give me another laugh?

Ravencroft Institute Exposed as Secret School for Creating Super Lab Rats!!! Was it run by SHIELD to create heroes or did HYDRA start making their own villains??? Read More Below!

It was an old web page that had a brown background with bright yellow text, looking like someone with zero web design experience had created the most basic of sites. Although, when I scrolled down to skim through the myriad of 'informative' pages, I saw a large photo of a dark old school with about 50 students in front of it - forcing a smile for the camera.

Lo and behold, one of those fake smiles belonged to a teenage Y/N. She looked shorter and younger obviously, her hair dyed and her body thin; but it was definitely her. And in the list of corresponding students names below that very image?

Stacy, Gwen.

I need to sleep, 6:52am is far too early for me to be coming to terms that my non-girlfriend-girlfriend was part of a conspiracy theory. Whether or not this super kid school was true, I knew one thing for sure. She definitely had powers and she definitely used to be called Gwen.

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