40 | a second chance

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You know what's weird?
Going on a date with someone who you know lives upstairs from you but choosing to meet at a restaurant instead of the lobby in which you share. I had initially told Y/N that we could meet downstairs for our non-first first date tonight but she insisted that if we were to treat it like a proper first date, we should meet at the restaurant like any other couple.

The restaurant she had picked was a Korean place called Kochi down in Hell's Kitchen. I had Googled it meticulously today to ensure I wouldn't be late from unfamiliar subway lines. I obviously knew where Hell's Kitchen was but usually I would swing there rather than catch the train. But since tonight was our non-first first date, I figured that swinging there would ruin my hair and give off a bad non-first first impression.

Plus, tonight was to celebrate the release of her first journalistic piece being published in the Daily Bugle. To be frank, I hadn't read any of her drafts because she wanted it to be a surprise so the nerves are killing me. I knew this would be one of the worlds most anticipated stories since Starks death. I mean, Spider-Man dropped off the face of the planet, the US Government held a funeral for me because I presumed missing in action and then I magically appear several years later? The whole world would want to know where the fuck I went and what I did all that time.

It's funny, although the Bugle was such a well-respected newspaper for so many decades, the modern era had forced them to oi it their business model. So they chose to produce an international magazine, a podcast, a local newspaper for old people and a website for anyone who wasn't old. Honestly they kind of dominated the media market now that they'd done that.

I had bought a frame earlier this week so I could put the magazine cover in it and gift it to Y/N. I thought it would be a good way for her to remember it forever but I debated on whether or not it was actually a good gift. On the one hand it was her first printed story here in New York, an achievement that she had been striving for for months. But on the other hand it seemed like kind of a douche-y thing to do since the cover was a photo of me in my new black suit and the entire story was about my life.

Venom convinced me to go through with it though which didn't really help me figure out if it was truly sentimental or made me look a douchebag because I don't trust his judgment. So, I bought a copy of the magazine bright an early this morning before they inevitably sold out world wide, straight after a patrol and swung home to carefully place it in the frame.

I still haven't read the story. It's just sitting there coverless on my living room table.

I don't eat Korean food as much as I should I've decided. We ordered the chefs signature menu to share which ended up being a 9 course meal with A5 Wagyu bibimbap.

"So I got you something," I said pulling the present out from my backpack which was sitting underneath the table.

I kind of hate the fact that I brought a fucking backpack to our date but being a Spider-Man meant I always had my bag with me to carry my suit. I don't even need a suit anymore because Venom creates it out of thin air now but it was an old habit.

"Same here," she said putting a box on the table.

I hadn't noticed the fact she had even arrived to the restaurant with the box at all. It's probably because I was too busy admiring the way she had curled her hair gently and put a hint of glitter on her eyelids. Or the fact she was wearing a dress that accentuated her legs and how she was sporting a freshly done manicure.

She had put extra effort into tonight's date.

As she carefully peeled the tape off the poorly wrapped frame, I pulled the lid off the top of the box and laughed at what was inside. She unfolded the paper and lifted the frame up to then laugh alongside with me.

We had gifted each other the same magazine cover in different coloured frames. Hers was brown to match the wood grain of my furniture and mine was white to fit in with her minimalist bedroom.

"Are we the least creative gift givers in the world?" She laughed, putting the frame down gently and looking at me across the table.

"Or do we just know each other really well?" I said in return, thanking the waiter who had returned with my debit card and a receipt.

I offered to put both frames in my backpack on the way home and stood up from the table, outstretching my hand to help her out of her seat like a chivalrous gentleman would. She thanked me and walked out of the restaurant still holding my hand, her fingers intertwined with mine.

Again, it was weird for me to not just swing home across the city so sitting in the back of a taxi through the traffic filled Broadway was incredibly frustrating. But she had her hand resting on my thigh as she looked at there city lights out the window and I kind of started to appreciate the traffic. As we got to our apartment we walked up the multiple flights of stairs to our respective floors.

"Okay so normally I'd never do this on a first date but considering we've dated in the past and this isn't really our first date, can I just say I really want to have sex with you tonight?" Y/N blurted out as we neared my front door.

"Oh! Wow, okay uh... I wasn't expecting that," I said standing at the door and fumbling around to get my keys out from my backpack.

"We don't have to of course! I just wanted to be honest and like, say it so in the future you uh, you know. So um, yeah I'm down if you're ever down," she said awkwardly, walking backwards slowly away from me and towards the staircase up to her apartment.

I unlocked my front door and turned to face her, my eyebrows furrowed and my head cocked slightly to the side as I tried to figure out what was going on right now.

"Are you uh, not coming inside?" I asked, motioning my hand towards my apartment.

"Wait what?"

"You said you wanted to have sex if I was down. Well I'm down, I just didn't expect you to explicitly say you wanted to have sex. I thought it would kinda just escalate naturally," I chuckled, laughing at how uncomfortable this whole situation was.

We'd had a bunch of sexual encounters before so I don't know why all of a sudden it was so awkward. I guess we were still figuring out the dynamic between the two of us again. We'd confessed our feelings for each other so we both knew they were reciprocated. We'd obviously been on tonight's date so we were acting on those feelings too. Fuck it, I just need to take the lead.

"Let's erase the past two minutes and pretend like we weren't acting like virginal teenagers. Y/N, would you care to come inside for a bit?" I laughed, holding the door open for her as she came back towards me.

"I'd love to," she laughed back.

As she entered my apartment I closed the door behind us and felt a rush of endorphins and adrenaline hit me. I don't know if it was just me being a depraved man who hadn't had sex in months or whether Venom was making my feelings stronger than usual but what I felt right now was animalistic.

Remember Peter, take the lead

"Good, because I want to tear that dress off you and fuck you until you can't stand," I said, focused on nothing but her.

"Where has this side of you been hiding Parker?" She said smirking and throwing herself on me, causing us to slam against the back of the front door in a deep and passionate kiss.

Finally, the day had come.

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