16 | a shock to the senses

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Knowing that both Peter and I got home quite late last night, I had messaged him this morning saying that breakfast at my place would be more of a brunch and to come over around 11am or so. This gave me sufficient time to wake up, quickly clean my lounge room and pop downstairs to the bodega for some fresh fruit and cream. And chocolate chips.

I always have those just-add-water pancake mixes in my pantry but I thought that whipping some fresh cream and cutting up an assortment of fruit would be a nice touch to a lazy Sunday morning. It was also just a tad cute considering we'd walked home hand in hand last night. It was a bit of a ballsy move on my part, as subtle and romantic as it was. I'm not a big hand holder either, I rarely let anyone touch me unless we're sleeping with each other to be honest.

But with Peter it feels different. With Peter it started like any other carnal attraction where I thought he was fuckable and wanted to jump his bones. Of course I didn't because we're neighbours and I didn't want to live a floor above someone I'd slept with unless I was sure about it. And I think he thought the same of me, throwing cheeky comments towards me which made me know he was picking up what I was putting down. But then it all changed.

As he got quieter and more withdrawn I instantly thought it must have been because he was no longer interested. This meant that I too became quieter and more withdrawn because I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. But after a thorough conversation bordering on a debate with the girls at work, I came to realise his sudden awkwardness was more likely due to the fact he was developing feelings for me rather than careless lust. Lucky for him, I was catching feelings too.

I heard Peter knock on the door and I whined to myself as I accidentally folded a wet pancake over on itself, calling out to him that I'd get the door in 'just a second'. I used the spatula to try and unfold it before running over to the door, which I swung open to greet Peter.

"Come in, come in, come in. I'm just finishing up making some pancakes and I don't want them to burn. Some of them already look a little wonky so I don't want them to be ugly and burnt," I said quickly, waving him inside as I skipped back to the kitchen to turn down my music that was playing.

"It doesn't smell like burnt pancakes so that's a good sign right?" he chuckled, pulling his hands out of his jumper pocket and sitting on one of the stools along the kitchen island.

He was wearing a hoodie and tracksuit pants along with black Adidas slides he had obviously chucked on just to walk up the stairs in his socks. He rested his chin underneath his hands and watched as I quickly flipped my previously wonky pancake which ended up looking semi good. As I added it to the plate where the rest of the pancakes were and turned off the stove, Peter complimented the food and effort I had put into cutting up all of the fruit.

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