29 | a once in a blue moon earthquake

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She's drunk.
She has to be drunk to be saying this to me right now. There is no way she could have figured me out, I had only worn the suit once and I changed into normal clothes before I got home. And that time I saved her she didn't see my face and- and I distorted my voice! How does she possibly know?

"Sweetheart, how many drinks have you had?" I laughed, trying to change the subject whilst looking presumably flustered and not at all nonchalant about the situation at hand.

"A few, but that doesn't change the fact that I know you're Spi-" she begins, before I jolted forward and kissed her, trying desperately to shut her up as someone walked by us.

As I cupped her face in my hand and moved my lips against hers, I felt that she wasn't kissing me back whatsoever. Plus, I probably looked like a deranged mad man kissing her with my eyes wide open, watching the passerby get to a distance out of earshot from us. She pulled away quickly but I held her head close to me, our faces inches apart from each other.

"You need to lower your voice Y/N," I whispered in warning, deathly scared that she had exposed my secret quite loudly amongst the smokers around us.

"So it's true," she gasped.

"What even makes you think I'm Spider-Man anyway?" I laughed, stepping away from her and pulling her into the corner by her arm, away from others on the balcony.

Y/N explained the process of why or how she knew I was Spider-Man. From my injuries that healed way too quickly to my seemingly reasonless habit of getting home at the crack of dawn; she had me pinned. I guess I'd never been so close to one of my neighbours before, so nobody would have connected the dots.

Regardless of the fact I had only emerged from my retirement and worn the suit once, I had been using my powers at night patrolling the city for years. How long had she been weary of me being Spider-Man? Did she suspect I had powers during the time I was bonded with Venom?

Fuck... Venom.
He's still out there killing innocent people and some of those innocent peoples deaths happened whilst he was with me. What would she think knowing she was dating a murderer? Shit, no. Those deaths happened because of him, because of Venom and not me.

"Shit," I muttered, for that was all I could manage to say. I couldn't fight her facts and I couldn't make up a lie to cover every single one of her reasons. The game was up, she knew.

I don't know what I was getting myself into dating again. Last time I dated someone I was with MJ and she told me she knew I was Spider-Man as well. Yet as soon as that happened in Europe her life started getting thrust deeper into danger. Fighting crime as Spider-Man got the best of me and before I knew it, I was breaking the whole god damn universe and everyone I loved got ripped away from me.

But more importantly I lost May.

Anyone I become close to, runs the risk of being in danger. One side of me thinks that if I isolate myself away from everyone, then there's nobody to endanger. The other side of me however, realises that I can't live like that. I can't live a life of solitude and spiral further into the depression I was in before I met Y/N.

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