38 | a restricted range of movement

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I made sure to swing to the Daily Bugle today when I knew Jameson would be in his dumb little office on the top floor of the Chrysler building. As much as I hated him and he hated me, he gave me the respect I deserved today. It was a little odd being in my suit and walking through the lobby at peak hour when everyone was starting their work for the week. Everyone was gasping and taking photos or telling me how excited they were that I had returned.

And fuck, it felt good to be back.

I waited in the elevator quietly next to four other people, each of them staring or taking selfies with me as we slowly ascended to the Daily Bugle's top floor. I had realised my suit was slightly too small for me since I hadn't worn it in years and I tried to subtly reposition my balls without the other people in the elevator noticing. I failed.

"Good to know you have the same issues that the rest of us men have," a man chuckled to me, obviously noticing me trying to shift my weight from side to side and pull my suit out from my crotch. It's a pretty obvious move to another fellow guy.

Note to self: Make a new suit.

As the doors opened I walked through the office, asked the receptionist to see Jameson and she escorted me straight through to him with no questions asked. He started to say something condescending and sneaky before I cut him off. I simply told him that I gave my exclusive tell-all story to a well respected journalist that I trusted and that she would most likely be in contact with him over the next few weeks. He almost wet himself with shock.

Venom has been a lot quieter than when I had him before. I suppose it's because I'm the one who has the power now and he can't take advantage of me. He doesn't complain as much, he is well and truly satisfied with our biweekly chocolate runs to the factory across the river and I genuinely feel on top of the fucking world again. Life is great.

During tonight's patrol however, I felt a little rusty being in the tight suit again. I just couldn't move as well as I used to because it was so restricting. Seriously I could barely lift my arms up all the way. Chasing down a group of robbers who had stolen a whole bunch of expensive jewellery, I ended up using my webs to try and stop their car. Being out of practice in the suit though, I couldn't stretch my arm out enough and ended up shooting my webs with horrible aim.

This was bad for two reasons.
The first reason was that I was incredibly embarrassed that I shot webs at the wrong part of the car causing me to lose my balance and not stop the car whatsoever. The second was that I completely tore the back of my suit to shreds given I was being dragged along the road behind the car. It wasn't until I managed to shoot multiple webs to nearby electrical poles behind me to bring the car to an eventual stop.

But Jesus Christ my suit was utterly destroyed. And my back? My back was grazed and cut like no tomorrow. My skin probably looked like pulled pork at a family barbecue it was torn to pieces. Luckily Venom healed as much as possible but I still winced at the lingering pain. That's something I missed about Venom, he made my healing powers even stronger. I swung home slowly, gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw at how much pain I was still in.

I had briefly talked with Venom tonight about how I felt my coming out of retirement was like a reinvention of myself. Not only had I turned my life around, I'd met Y/N, I'd come to terms with accepting the loss in my life and I was helping New York City again.

Why don't you reinvent your look too?

"Yeah, I mean I kind of have to make a new suit now. I've had this one since I was like 17 so it was way too tight for me. Maybe tonight's mishap was a good thing," I chuckled, landing on my fire escape and wincing at the pain shooting up my spine.

I can help you with that you know

I looked down when I saw that Venom was somehow turning the tattered shreds of my suit a different colour, the familiar red and blue disappearing before my eyes. He was also patching up the parts that had been ripped and destroyed. I put my arms out in front of me and looked at the new black suit and smiled, appreciating that Venom had the ability to do things apart from turning into a monster that ate people.

"I won't lie to you dude, the black is kind of sick," I smirked, running my hands over the suit and laughing to myself.

You look better in black Peter

"How'd you manage to make it fit better too? Fuck, why couldn't you have done this earlier today before my balls felt like they were chafing to the point of starting a god damn fire," I joked, bending my legs to test the suits elasticity.

It was the exact same as my old suit, just black and better fitting. How on earth did Venom do this? I noticed Y/N's lamp was on upstairs and walked up the fire escape to her floor, knocking lightly on the window and pulling my mask off to not scare her. She got out of bed and slid open the glass panel, smiling when she saw the new suit.

"Woah what's with the black?" She chuckled, holding my hand and helping me through the window.

"Thought I could use an upgrade. I'm not a teenager anymore you know," I laughed, inhaling sharply when she gave me a quick hug to greet me.

She obviously looked concerned and pulled away when I winced, instantly asking me if I was hurt and what had happened. I tried to shrug it off and tell her it was nothing but I figured she would just weasel her way into getting the truth eventually. I told her what had happened but glazed over the details.

"I'll run you a bath, sit here," she said worriedly, shuffling quietly to the bathroom where I heard her turn the faucet on to fill the tub.

"Y/N I have superhuman healing, it's just a few grazes and cuts that'll be gone by the end of the week," I whined.

"That doesn't mean you won't have dirt and gravel infecting you. You might heal faster than the rest of us but bacteria will still prolong that process," she called out.

She was right. I'm probably covered in dirt and random debris that would be stuck to the road rash of my shredded back. You know when motorcycle riders crash and they have bits of rock and tar inside their grazes? That's probably what I look like right now. Ew.

At least she isn't going to see how it looked before

"Thank god for that," I muttered under my breath to Venom.

He was right, as bad as it will probably look to Y/N right now, it doesn't compare to how horrendous it would have looked before Venom worked his magic. I could barely move as I laid on the ground in the middle of the road, the stinging sensation rushing through my body in excruciating pain.

"Let me help you clean it, I don't want you having to try and reach your back and hurt yourself," she said coming back into the bedroom.

I went to assure her that I was fine and could do it myself but stopped myself when I realised she was potentially offering to take a bath with me.
And that's a big yes from me.

"Are you joining me?" I asked smugly.

"Get your head out of the gutter Parker."

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