10 | a natural act of shame

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"Shut up Venom, you're giving me a fucking headache from talking all the time. Just fuck off and let me listen," I groaned, walking into my bedroom and flopping down onto my bed.

But she's speaking about you!

Y/N had spent majority of today away from home doing god knows what but when she returned this afternoon with groceries, I couldn't help but overhear her phone conversation. I didn't have the best super hearing, but I could definitely hear things better than the average human thanks to my spider senses. I could only hear her right now because she had her balcony door open just a smidge for fresh air and the sound could travel better. Normally I can't hear Y/N past the muffled music she blasts or the quiet echo of her singing in the shower.

"Well, he's like, weirdly hot," she laughed, which caught me off guard given she had said my name a few seconds ago. I'm flattered that she thinks I'm hot but 'weirdly hot' is a bit of a contradiction. Am I weird and hot? Or am I hot in a weird way? Is it weird that she finds me hot? What the fuck is 'weirdly hot'?

"See that's what I can't figure out! I would totally let him but I can't tell if he wants to," she said. Was this in relation to sex? Does she want to fuck me?

"No, no, no. He does flirt with me, but I can't tell if it's that jokey way just to get a reaction out of me and laugh as a friend. I should just invite him to get a drink, drunk people always make the first move," she laughed.

She wants to fuck me... Perfect, because I definitely want to fuck her. It's a win win.

As her phone conversation ended, I felt myself get hard in my jeans, which made me semi-annoyed despite the growing sensation of arousal taking over. I don't know if this was because of Venom or that I was just getting even more lonely, but I feel like I'm getting sporadic erections more often than usual. I guess I have to get this over and done with so I can move on with my night. So, I opened my phone, opened my internet browser and started searching.

Did she make you horny by talking about having sex with you Peter?

"Shut up Venom, not now," I scoffed.

This was always the most tedious part, scrolling past video after video trying to find the right one to watch. I wasn't like most people, I didn't have a go-to genre or a favourite content creator. I didn't favourite anyone or subscribe to specific channels. I just watched whatever enticed me in the moment.

That one. Watch that one.

"What did I just tell you Venom? You need to shut the fuck up," I huffed, clicking on the video and waiting for the completely unrelated ad to stop playing. I wasn't remotely interested in 'elderly married women in my area' so I turned the volume down until it ended.

Once the video begun, I commenced what I was here to do; jerk off. Laying on my - unmade - bed, I gripped my cock as I turned the volume up on the porn. I always felt weird before wanking and after wanking, like I was some primitive caveman prioritising self pleasure over anything else in the world. I think most men feel the same. But during? During, I felt great.

She resembles Y/N in a way...

"Shut up..." I groaned, not wanting to have Venom's voice in my head to distract me from the video playing on my phone. I don't want to think about Venom at all.

But he was right in a weird way. I mean, porn videos never really focus on the women starring in them but she had the same hair colour, skin tone and I guess her body shape was pretty similar to Y/N's.

It wasn't long before my head fell back on the pillow behind me and I stopped focusing on the woman in the video and thought about my neighbour instead. My eyes screwed shut, my brows furrowed, my grip tightened and my imagination ran rampant.

Y/N's lips were flushed pink, slightly swollen and softly parted. Her eyes, lustful and gazing up at me through her lashes. Her hair had fallen along on her shoulders and her tits- God, her tits. Her slender hand wrapped around my cock, or maybe her lips, oh Jesus what if she just rode me instead? No wait, I want to fuck bed from behind and grip her ass as I thrust into her. Actually no, I want to see her face when she cums.

Fuck- I just came.
And I wasn't paying attention whatsoever.

I sighed and locked my phone to stop the video I was listening to whilst imagining Y/N. Defeated, deflated and somewhat disgusted in myself, I laid in bed with instant regret. You see the thing people didn't think about when having super powers was the uncontrollable reactions your body had. Like if I was going to get hit by a car, my body would leap out of the way. If I was holding Pickles and sneezed, I could easily pop his body like a water balloon. But I don't do those things because I've learnt how to anticipate those feelings.

Except ejaculating.
If I don't pay attention and anticipate when I'm about to cum, it shoots out of me like a god damn bullet. It's not enough to actually hit someone like a bullet but it's definitely enough to cause some damage. When I was growing up, my sex drive was like any other teenage boys; uncontrollable, unpredictable and wildly excessive. And after I got bitten by that radioactive spider, I realised my cum shots were weapons of their own.

The first time I came after gaining powers was a day I'd never forget. I was sitting at my desk, watching porn on my computer and it hit the monitor so hard it broke the screen. I had to tell May I had a burst of anger over a Pythagorean equation and stabbed my screen with a pen. She believed it - thank god.

I'd had a few times where it would hit the wall and make a small thud sound, causing May to call out and ask if everything was okay. Another time it hit my inner thigh and caused a bruise, as if I had been shot by a paintball pellet.

I was always scared having sex with MJ for about six months at the start of our relationship. I knew that if I didn't concentrate and pull out in time, it would hurt her. And when I did pull out, I had to use all of my strength to hold it back and cum like a normal fucking person. Condoms didn't do anything to hold it back either, they'd snap instantly. It was the most bizarre struggle of having super powers as a male.

I remember Steve asking me about what it was like growing up as a teenager with powers when we went to space that one time. I shrugged and said it was alright but had its tough moments. He looked at me slyly and said "how 'bout down there" and quickly glanced down at his own crotch. We both knew what he was referring to. I think back to that day sometimes and remember that other superheroes have to deal with this shit too and it kind of makes me relieved to know I'm not the only freak who has to concentrate when cumming.

Wait. Shit, where is it? As I look at the ceiling I sigh in relief that I haven't smashed the ceiling light. The bed is clean, my body is unscathed and my phone still functions. That's when I heard the mosquito like whistle from next to me and turned towards it.

I had cracked my fucking window.

This adrenaline is incredible! Let's go fight crime Peter! The people of New York need to realise that we are the most powerful being in this city and they should fear and worship us!

"Let me just duct tape the glass real quick so I don't freeze to death at night," I sighed softly, both annoyed and embarrassed at myself.

I don't even like being Spider-Man. I hate having my powers because it's moments like these where my powers just make me feel like a fucking freak. I only patrol the city because I feel guilty for killing May, otherwise I'd just kill myself like any other depressed piece of shit in this city. And trust me, I've tried and failed because of these god damn powers.

But lately I've wanted to stay alive, and I haven't felt that feeling in a long, long time.

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