9 | a silver-tongued sweet talker

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Do you ever wonder how many people are in the world at any given time and think, wow what were the chances that I ran into the person I was just thinking about? Some call it fate, some call it a divine intervention - I call it excessive research and a case of light stalking.

Evelyn Lockwood was the chief of public relations and communications at SHIELD, an intelligence agency that specialised in the management and deployment of enhanced and other worldly beings. In essence, they were the big dogs when it came to knowing shit about superheroes and supervillains. I had emailed multiple team members at SHIELD in the attempts to get a hold of Ms. Lockwood, hopefully setting up a meeting to ask her about my latest Spider-Man story. Although email after email, I was led further astray or down an never ending rabbit hole.

Last time I tried to get in contact with a member of SHIELD to conduct my interviews with Baron Zemo, I charismatically talked my way into it at a Stark Convention. I knew that the specific man I was after was in attendance, I struck up a conversation and voila, he let me in. Like I mentioned before, I'm a professional at negotiating what I want.

So I thought that this time around, I'd try the same thing. I knew that Evelyn Lockwood was a guest lecturer at NYU one afternoon and that she would have time afterwards to chat to the students. That was my chance to get a minute of her time and convince her why I needed a security pass into the prison system.

Through hours and hours of research, I looked into some of Spider-Man's earlier local arrests. He was first spotted in his suit at the Avengers Airforce base after a mission and the world started to speculate the newest addition to the superhero group. He was then spotted more frequently around New York and that's when he became the cities hero. I saw his first major bust several years ago, leading to the arrest of Adrian Toomes a.k.a Vulture. That really put Spider-Man on the map, he wasn't just a sidekick to the Avengers, he was a fully fledged hero.

Adrian Toomes was locked away in The Raft with a life sentence but several of his henchmen were detained at Rykers Prison here in New York. Article after article, video after video, there was one name that came up more than the others; Mr. Phineas Mason. Apparently he was Vulture's right hand man, his number two and arguably the brains behind the whole show.

If I could just talk to Phineas for half an hour, I could find out if he knew anything about Spider-Man. And the woman who could approve the highest security clearances for press releases and interviews?

Evelyn Lockwood.

"Miss Lockwood, so lovely to meet you. I want a journalist security pass to interview Phineas Mason," I said bluntly, shaking her hand and smiling.

The bus to Rykers wasn't particularly a pleasant one. Most people occupying the seats around me were fellow criminals going to visit their buddies or forlorn spouses of inmates inside. It was awfully macabre just sitting in silence as the bus took us from main land New York, out to Rykers island. I approached the security guards at the entrance, showed them my fresh shiny badge saying 'JOURNALIST' on the front and was escorted into the main visitation room.

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