33 | a witness of death and destruction

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I had just finished another unsuccessful patrol when I listened to Y/N's voicemail, returning to my backpack that I had left webbed on top of the Chrysler building for me when I came back. I had my mask hanging between my teeth as I tapped the phone app on my phone with my nose, my suit prohibiting my phone from recognising the touch of my fingers.

"P-Peter you need to come to the club right now, there's an alien here a-and it... It's eating people. Everyone's dead Pete, I need you here," she said, her voice hardly audible as she whispered into the microphone.

Venom was back and he was sending me the ultimate message by going after her.

I swung to the club as quickly as I could, desperate to find Y/N alive before Venom could eat the phenethylamine from her brain. Buildings flew past me in blurs as I narrowly missed corners, oncoming traffic and a particular poorly timed flock of pigeons flying through the morning sun. Through the morning commuters I heard claps and cheers from people spotting me, gawking at Spider-Man swinging through their city

The club looked perfectly normal from the outside which gave me hope. Amongst the rubble and bodies laying on the ground in the club, I saw a blonde woman sitting on the only bar stool not destroyed. She scrolled through her phone as if her surroundings weren't as they seemed, nonchalant about the death and destruction around her.

Drinking at 7:38 in the morning...

"Hi," the woman chirped, smiling at me before taking a swig directly from a vodka bottle in front of her. She had a small pile of nuts in front of her as well, laying on the broken bar that barely resembled a piece of furniture at all.

"Uh... Venom?" I questioned slowly, cautious that the girl in front of me must have been the new host.

"What did you just call me? That's rude, I don't call you Poison," she scoffed.

She was wearing a Hamilton t-shirt that looked as though she had cut the sleeves shorter with a pair of scissors. She wore subtle brown winged eyeliner and had her ears pierced in multiple spots. Her accent was thick and I'm going to say European for the sake of getting my initial guess of 'Russian' being wrong. Although I highly think she is from Russia.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Hey! Why are you being so rude? Women can go to strip clubs too you know, don't be sexist. I come here to make friends in New York," she scoffed.

"I meant more like, were you here when all of.... this happened? The uh, the smashed everything?" I shrugged.

She looked at me with a look of offence, her eyebrows furrowed as if I had cursed out her mother or insulted her in some way. She had quite an expressive face actually, which led me to think she might be drunk.

"I was waiting for you to come here Peter Parker, I'm actually surprised it took you so long. But I don't know when this happened, I came here about ten minutes ago and I got thirsty. You want some?" She said in holding the bottle out in front of her.

I shook my head, not being a big fan of drinking let alone drinking straight vodka, let alone drinking in the early mornings. She just shrugged and poured herself a half shot.

"H-how do y-" I began to stutter before she cut me off.

"You're Y/N's boyfriend," she shrugged.

"She told you?!" I exclaimed, fearful that Y/N was exposing my identity to strange Russian women.

Majority of my mind was focused on why Y/N had told this girl who I was. I was standing here in my suit, wearing my mask and she calls me by my name?! But there was the tiniest little bit of my brain wanting desperately to ask her whether or not Y/N referred to me as her 'boyfriend' because that title was news to me. And it kind of made me giddy.

This person must know Y/N relatively well to A) know her by name and B) know about our relationship. But the fact she's sitting amongst a disheveled and destroyed club makes me weary of her trustworthiness. She didn't know what- or who Venom was however, and Venom is way too self-centred to not make himself known when directly addressed.

"No, no. My sister Natasha wrote it in a note book I found after she died. You worked with her, Black Widow," she said nodding and throwing a peanut up in the air before catching it with her mouth.

My head was spiralling with thoughts of who this woman was, why she was at the club and acting so casually, how on earth she knew my identity if Strange's spell wiped anyones knowledge of me and fuck- Where is Y/N?

If she really was who she said she was, she must have been trained in the Black Widow program like her sister. Natasha mentioned having a sister once or twice before, always in passing comments or answering our excessive questions about her family. She could help me right now, she could be the next Black Widow.

"You wanna come?" I asked.

"Nah, I don't do freaky space monsters, that's Avenger level shit," she said shaking her head.

"Fuck, okay well you should probably leave before cops show up, just a warning," I said turning to leave.

"Hey Peter? One last thing," She called out.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You need to learn how to eat pussy better. You're not making her cum anytime soon with your shitty 'spell the alphabet with your tongue' bullshit. Ask her what she likes," she called out.

I stood in the doorway dumbfounded but luckily for me my facial expression was conveniently hidden by my suit. I needed to find Venom and I needed to find Venom quickly, but this was making my head spiral even more. Is she seriously bringing this up right now? Y/N could be dead and she's saying this?!

"Thanks uh..." I trailed, realising I had never asked for this girls name despite her seemingly knowing everything about me from my secret identity to my giving head skills. Or should I say lack of skills now.


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