17 | a goodbye to my depressed life

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With a long yawn and a satisfying stretch of my arms over my head and either side of my body, I turned away from the whiteboard to face some of my students who had volunteered to stay late after school. I had organised a last minute exam prep session for two of my AP classes to go over any of the subjects they found particularly difficult.

As much as these kids were all highly capable and highly intelligent, they were just like any other teenagers; easily bored, easily distracted and wanting to be anywhere but school after hours.

"So what kinds of pathways take place in the mitochondrial membrane?" I asked, spinning my marker between my fingers and looking at the students staring blankly back at me across their tables.

We had been studying in preparation for their AP Biology exam next week for three hours now and they were evidently growing restless. The library was relatively busy with other students all studying for their exams so I decided to hold this afternoons session in one of the Biology labs.

Although many of my female students agree to come to the after school study sessions I run, I don't think they focused very much most of the weeks. Today however, given the close proximity to their exams, they had their heads in the books and their priorities on learning rather than blatant flirting.

"Electron transport chain?" Samantha said looking up from her notes and fiddling with her pen against her bottom lip slowly. Was that her flirting with me? God I need to stop teaching at high schools and either go to college or middle school. This was too creepy.

"Yes! And one more? Come on guys, I know it's late but you know this stuff," I encouraged.

Of the fifteen or so students that had volunteered to stay back after school to go through the curriculum, not one of them answered the second part of the question. Not a single one. Because they were tired.

But to be fair, I was far more tired than they possibly could be. Whilst they were staying up late sending nudes to each other or bitching about someone they didn't like, I was scouring New York City trying desperately to find Venom. Wherever I went however, I'd only be met with the aftermath of his crimes, I could never track down the parasite himself.

And the news report I watched with Y/N last week wasn't the only sign of Venom being loose in the city, no no. That only opened up an investigation where police publicly released information about that old Latina woman I had killed whilst Venom took over me and a bunch of people missing. The whole city was on edge now that they thought a new gang was out and about taking peoples heads, so I needed to put an end to it.

Roaming around New York every night this week has taken a toll on me. It's like Venom was teasing me, leaving half eaten bodies around the different boroughs of the city for me to find. I knew he wanted to eat peoples brains but not eating the rest of the body was definitely a ploy to spite me. I know that sounds bad on my part, being like 'oh damn why didn't you eat the whole human' but it would be a lot less obvious to the public eye.

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