24 | a long awaited build up

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Y/N  L/N

Peter pulled away from the kiss abruptly and leant his head back to look at me, a slight roll forming a double chin since I still had my arms tightly around his neck. His hair was a mess from my fingers tousling through it and his lips were flushed pink, but he still looked hot. We were still making out in his living room but the front door was closed now at least.

"Wait, are you drunk? Because I'm sober and I'd feel really uncomfortable if we weren't the same level of sobriety... Like, I'd feel like a complete sleaze bag if I took advantage of you because you'd been drinking," Peter said worriedly, resting his hands on my hips whilst looking in my eyes.

"I rarely drink alcohol 'cos it makes me do bad things. So no, I'm not drunk," I smiled softly, gripping the back of his neck and pulling him back in to kiss me.

Our lips clashed together again messily, hungry for each other in this sort of animalistic way. My fingers toyed with the soft curls at the nape of Peter's neck, tugging at them softly before he pulled away again.

"I don't drink either, so that's kind of cool actually. We can be lame and sober togeth-" Peter trailed before I told him to stop talking and kissed him again.

We stumbled back into his bedroom further, falling some what gracefully onto the bed where Peter's hands roamed down my body. He couldn't help himself but to grab each of my ass cheeks through the slippery material of the suit, chuckling into the kiss as he squeezed them. I moved my lips from his mouth to his jaw, down to his neck where I assumed would have a nice bruise or two appear tomorrow morning.

"I'm not having sex with you tonight by the way," I said smugly against his jaw, the skin soft and supple albeit what I assumed were recently shaved hairs.

"Aw what about the whole Spider-Man suit on the floor thing?" He whined, moving his head to look at me with a sad puppy dog look.

"What about it?" I asked matter of factly, raising one of my eyebrows.

"I thought you were a woman of your word," he scoffed jokingly, unzipping the back of my cheap Spider-Man costume that I'd bought online.

"Well, normally I fuck guys too early on in the relationship and it ends up failing miserably. I don't want to screw this up by doing the same with you," I said pulling my arms out of the tight material.

"I can't tell if I should be flattered you care about me or insulted you're talking about fucking other guys whilst you're in my apartment... It's kind of like a backhanded compliment," Peter huffed, reaching over his shoulders to pull his sweatshirt over his head.

"Shut up, it was supposed to be a nice sentiment," I said rolling my eyes and letting the suit drop around my hips, exposing my bra.

I saw his body stiffen when he saw me push the rest of the Spider-Man suit off my body and step out of it once it hit the wooden floor. I couldn't help but to think about what he'd be like in bed, maybe he'd be the Peter I was intrigued by at the start of our relationship; who was confident and cocky about sex, as if he had it all the time and didn't care who with. Or whether he'd be the version Peter I since developed feelings for, the shyer yet more genuine and sincere one of the two.

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