15 | a pleasant surprise seeing you here

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I laid on a park bench and let snowflakes fall onto my face as I groaned at the very likely broken ribs I had sustained from taking down a gang of bikers. I managed to defeat them all but it definitely took me longer than usual, and I definitely got hit a lot more than usual. Was I off my game tonight or had I just gotten used to the extra power Venom gave me that my normal powers now feel inferior? God, I would hate to have all of my powers stripped away and see how much pain I'd be in as a normal person.

As much as I would love to lay here forever and not move my body, I knew that the hypothermia and frostbite would be more hinderance than a few moments of relaxation. So, I sat up with an exaggerated grunt and placed my hand over my ribs to put pressure on them. What I didn't expect to hurt however, was my thigh.

I looked down at my lap and sighed when I saw that through my jeans I had been stabbed with a small pocket knife; which was still sticking out the side of my leg. The one thing people tell you is to never remove something impaling your skin but I knew that with my abilities I wouldn't bleed out - so I pulled the knife out and dry heaved at the small spray of blood that spurted out.

For someone who deals with a lot of blood, I'm really bad at managing the sight of blood. And yeah, the thigh is probably the best place to be stabbed because of all the fat but fuck me, it still really hurt. It would be about a week before I would be able to use my leg at full capacity so I swore under my breath at myself for being so clumsy during the fight tonight. Now I'm going to be stuck at home twiddling my thumbs and hating life ever more than usual. Great.

I lifted my hand from my thigh and acknowledged that it was bleeding at a much faster pace than I anticipated which meant I actually needed to fix this now. I needed some sort of sterilisation and a bandage and I needed it fast. Man, I kind of wish I had Venom with me right now so he could have healed this all a lot quicker...

Without really thinking, I undid my belt, shimmied my jeans down to my knees and looked around me in the empty park just in case someone was here. I very much doubted that someone would take their kids to the park at this time of night in the freezing cold but I wasn't too keen on being arrested for being half-naked in a park and classified a sex offender.

Quickly spraying a patch of webbing to my thigh to stop the bleeding, I pulled my jeans up, tightened my belt and took a few steps forward before almost falling. I could barely put any pressure on this leg at all. Shit. I thought about swinging around but there weren't any building around me in the middle of Central Park. Thinking quickly on my feet I managed to use my webs to swing me from tree to tree, as closely to the ground as possible as to not raise any suspicion of someone were to see.

Next stop, get rid of any bacteria in the wound. As I got closer to the main streets I stood still with majority of my weight on my good leg and tried to think of how I could walk around without screaming out in agony or falling to my knees. And then it hit me.

𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now