21 | a desperate plea for help

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Shit. Why can't I feel either of my arms? Am I still dreaming? Am I still asleep or am I awake? Fuck, how did a knife wound spread to my good arm? As I wiggle my fingers under the bed sheets I soon realise that Y/N's just laying on it and causing it to become numb. Thank god. What better way to start the morning than with a sleep deprived panic attack?

Opening my eyes I saw Y/N curled up next to me with her head slightly buried into my armpit and her leg swung over mine. I can't imagine it would smell great since I couldn't shower after my patrol last night but she's unconscious and fast asleep so I'm in the clear.

I actually read this research paper once that said that women were attracted to a man's body odour. Not like they found the smell of sweat sexy or anything, it was more to do with the androsterone's released in the sweat. It's a type of pheromone I'm pretty sure.

I felt Y/N stir and I quickly closed my eyes again, fearful that she might wake up and see me staring at her like a serial killer first thing in the morning. I didn't want to scare her and think I watched her sleep or something, I wanted her to enjoy her first morning in my bed. Who knows, maybe it'll be the first of many.

"Mmmm... Hi," she mumbled, her eyes still closed as she inhaled deeply and rolled away from my chest.

"Good morning," I smiled, tilting my head to look at her as she sat up slightly to free my numb arm.

I moved my arm beside me and turned on my side to look at her, smiling softly as she yawned and apologised for her morning breath. To be fair, mine is probably just as bad.

"I could lie here all day," I hummed, closing my eyes and pushing my face further into the pillow.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed forever, I have a doctors appointment later today," she pouted, checking her phone briefly before sitting up. She told me she had about half an hour before she'd have to leave to go back to her own apartment, get ready for her appointment and go. So, I suggested we just take our time to wake up properly and lounge around until then.

As I made Y/N a coffee with my new Nespresso machine, I heard her turn the television on and listen to the latest news broadcast. Whilst I poured a splash of milk into both of our mugs from my new little milk frother, I heard just how gruesome Venom's latest escapade was. It was being reported that yesterday he had taken the heads of an entire kindergarten class and left the bodies where they remained, hiding under tables in fear.

They then cut to one of the parents, visibly distraught and erratic over the death of his daughter. He begged for the 'gang members' to stop these horrific crimes, although I knew that Venom wouldn't stop any time soon because he needed the phenethylamine to survive.

"Those poor parents..." I muttered, waking our mugs slowly over to the couch where Y/N was sitting with her legs curled up under the blanket and her hand covering her mouth.

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