14 | a deceitful act against god

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Y/N  L/N

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Y/N  L/N

I've been staring at my laptop screen for so long that the words on the page have blurred into a language I'm apparently unfamiliar with. What started as English, now looks like some sort of alien script. Maybe they're just hieroglyphics now. I've read the name Spider-Man so many times that it just doesn't look right anymore. The word spider isn't real anymore. With the notes I had taken from both prisons I made sure to record them digitally whilst they were fresh in my mind because as we all know, notepads happen to disappear all the time.

Spider-Man was young, which meant that not only were SHIELD hiring children to fight intergalactic battles, but he was knowingly letting Black Car free after hooking up with her. Both Phineas Mason and Mac Gargan testified that they heard Adrian Toomes mention he knew Spider-Man personally, whilst Adrian said he wouldn't expose his identity even if he did which meant that he was potentially lying. And Black Cat is fucking insane. That's a lot of information to process.

Sending my white light and
love today, God is thinking
of you sweet Y/N xox

I stared at the notification on my laptop from my Aunts iMessage, squinting slightly with my brows furrowed as I tried to figure out what she meant. Why would she be thinking of me? What am I doing today?

Sorry Kari, but why are you
thinking of me today?

It's the anniversary of your
mothers passing today? The
18th was a tough day for us all
I know honey

Oh! I thought today was the 17th!
Yes, sad day today :(

Honestly, I couldn't care less about the 18th of this month. Her sister, my mother, had passed away on this date over a decade ago now but I wasn't mourning nor commemorating the life of that fucking woman whatsoever. My father, a shy and submissive man wasn't much better since he never stood up to her for me - or for himself really. She was a wolf in sheeps clothing; a devil in disguise.

When I was a little kid, my mum never really warmed to me with those quintessential maternal instincts that came naturally to a new mother. I was never breast fed by her, I was never cared for or nurtured by her, and fuck, I was never even loved by her. I can't even remember if she ever hugged me. I'm not sure whether or not she ever wanted kids but because of her devout Catholicism, she saw the accidental pregnancy through for God.

My father was too in love with her to ever contradict her extreme beliefs or unorthodox practices. So when he found out she was pregnant, he proposed to her immediately thinking that it was a sign from God. They were married a mere three weeks later at their local church, they packed up their belongings and drove to Chicago to start their lives together.

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