Chapter 2

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  Soothing Quinn took a lot of work. She was sobbing the whole time for quite awhile now. I held the urge to pee since 15 minutes ago. Even after the doctor told us he is fine, we were asked to stay out till I make Quinn calm down and while at it, leaving Liam some space to rest. Thankfully the injury wasn't that bad. Just a small fraction on leg and a concussion.

  It took awhile for us to be tended about Liam's whereabouts, we completely forgot about the competition going on outside. All I felt was worry for my friend and the worry to piss.

 "Q-Quinn.. I really need to take a pee. I'm this close to peeing my pants." I whispered, feeling another big wave of discomfort again. I could say I've been holding it in for a long time already. It must've been the soda. But thankfully, she's fine being left behind for a moment. I didn't want to leave her, really but I promised it wont take long.


  It feels like I've been walking in circles already. The never ending hallway worried me, I don't have any sense of direction you see but I could tell I'm already lost. The staffs were pretty snob and ignored my plea for directions saying they don't speak english. It is a huge competition as there were different racers from different continents within the Empire came as one representing their region but none of the staff said they speak english.

   I sighed, It got to a point that I walked a little too far than how I should be on my own yet there's not even a sign of anything here. What place is this?

 I mentally jumped for joy when I saw a janitor moping on the floor.

 "Uhm, Sir.. Do you speak english?" I asked.

 "Yes, Ma'am. Do you need something?" he asked politely. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'm looking for a bathroom here, you see. Do you know the nearest way?" I asked desperately. The last thing I want to happen is peeing on my pants.

 "I think you walked a little too far but if you like, just turn left and you'll see two doors at the end of the hallway. Pick the door that has a sign Miss. It's usually for special needs but I don't think its occupied right now. Go ahead."

 "Great, thank you, thank you so much!" I squealed and ran down the direction he mentioned.

   I shifted my eyes and finally, I was ready to jump for joy when I saw a sign on the door. However, it was immediately replaced with confusion when I looked at it. There's two doors for each room.

 'Pick the door that has a sign.' he says.. BUT BOTH HAVE SIGNS ON IT!

 One says. 'A.D.A.R'. I don't know what does that stands for, there's othe language below but I can't seem to know how to read it and it doesn't sound like a restroom.

But the other one says 'R.M.B.'

I regret not asking the janitor what the other room was or else these would've been just a piece of cake.

I took the time to analyze what these two meant. That stands for.. Restroom..Main.. uh.. Business? Right? Says big number 10 under it too.

 I don't know man, I've never been in these things before. Do they charge 10 dollars each toilet business? That's so expensive!

Would it be 10 dollars or 10 cents?  I don't know. Best to ask the clerk if there is any here.

 I gently twisted the door and pushed myself in. Seeing what's inside, I'm practically gawking. Isn't this a little fancy for a restroom? It's sort of a waiting room with lounges on the side. Only thing that.. It's empty.

  I looked around a little more and spot a blurred out glass door. Realizing what that looks like, I quickly went inside the fancy looking bathroom and did my business.

 "Don't mind if I do." I whispered and held out a sigh of complete relief when I let it all out. Nothing beats peeing in a fancy looking bathroom Mira after a long time of holding it in. I thought to myself. I have to tell Quinn about this.

 "I said, I'm in a hurry! I'll give you 15 minutes. Do something and take me back in the palace by then or else I'll really fire you!" My eyes widen hearing someone scream just outside the restroom.

"You're Highness. I'm afraid we can't-"

 "If you can't make a way to take me out of this place without being caught by the public, then don't bother bringing yourself to my face ever again." I know it's bad to eavesdrop but wow. This woman really..

 "Y-Yes, You're Highness." My eyes widen. Highness? What is she, a royalty or something? It's really awkward coming out of this room after overhearing their conversation, I had to wait to make sure they're out.

  I waited about five minutes before finally lifting myself from the toilet and hastily yet silently went out of the restroom, I peeked out of the door and saw a woman laying on the couch while covering her face with a pillow. Was she the one yelling at the man? She looks like she's sleeping pretty quickly and comfortably outside the restroom. I mean this is a public restroom right? Yet how can she comfortably sleep in when strangers like me come and go? I'm not entering a wrong room, am I? 

 I walked on my tiptoes across the room, careful not to make any sound. I don't know I have a very bad feeling about this person. When I finally had the second to grab on the door knob, I was literally slammed on the wall! MAMAAA~~

I immediately gazed upon with a beautiful... pair of dark brown eyes. What... a gorgeous, no handsome woman. Her skin is glowing. Did I just got hit in the head and ascended straight to heaven in a millisecond or something? I never not blinked this long in my entire life and I feel like I rose from the dead, I am awestruck by her features. Her gazes terrified me, she looks like she's about to behead me upside down, does that even makes sense? No, I'm dumb but I'm not dumb enough to feel like I did something wrong.

  She's wearing a black car racer suit with white and neon purple sequins and her bleached blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail. Her eyes traveled up to mine with a hint of confusion and alertness evident in them.  Eyes as sharp and eyebrows furrowed as if wondering how did a dust like me able to walk in this world, knowing that she existed. Kidding,  but she looks as confused as I was! 

"M-Ma'am you're a little too close-"

"Who the f*ck are you and why are you here?" she immediately cut me off  threateningly and literally shoved me on the door, earning unwanted pressure up my chest.

 "I-I just went to the restroom." I quickly replied. I don't know what's going on.

 "Does my waiting room look like a f*cking restroom to you?" I winced when her nails started to feel like it  dug up my skin.

"You.Shouldn't.Be. Here." she seethed. I quickly nodded my head. "I-I'll go. I'll go now." I straightly replied, looking away from her. Jeez, I felt like a rug being lifted up and grinded on the door like this.

Even with her godlike features, she looks like she's capable to ruin my life. She finally let go of me yet the deathly glared remained on me.

  "Don't tell anyone you saw me, or else I'll f*cking come for you." she said and shoved me out of the room. I didn't even have the time to react what's going on. I think she forgot to pick up my brain inside the room.

  "And oh, fix your pants... Before I'll ruin them for you." she said and leaned forward almost towering my little frame.

 I didn't even took the time to look back at her and dashed out of the hallway and out of her sight. Looking down, I realized, I didn't zip up my pants.

I don't even know if I should feel embarrassed or terrified of her. Maybe both but still she scared the sh*t outta me. I'd rather walk around with pee covered pants than walking around with a ruined one. 

Who the f*ck did I just encounter?!

  to be continued...

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